in IS&Software Engineering retagged by
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6 votes

Which product metric gives the measure of the average length of words and sentence in documents?

  1. SCI number
  2. Cyclomatic complexity
  3. LOC
  4. Fog index
in IS&Software Engineering retagged by

1 Answer

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Best answer

It's d fog index.

  • Cyclomatic complexity  : This is a measure of the control complexity of a program. This control complexity may be related to program understandability.
  • Length of identifiers : This is a measure of the average length of identifiers (names for variables. classes, methods, etc.) in a program. The longer the identifiers, the more likely they are to be meaningful and hence the more understandable the program.
  • Depth of conditional nesting  : This is a measure of the depth of nesting of if-statements in a program. Deeply nested if-statements are hard to understand and potentially error-prone.
  • Fog index :  This is a measure of the average length of words and sentences in documents. The higher the value of a document's Fog index. the more difficult the document is to understand. 


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Fog index:

It is the measure of the average length of words and sentences in a documents . The higher the value of fog index , the more difficult the document is to understanud.


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