in Other Colleges
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I have filled the GATE (CS) form. What other forms are there which can be filled like, forms for colleges/PSU's which I should be aware of ( Like form X to be filled by Nov/Dec/Jan etc.). It would help me if you could share your knowledge regarding this.

in Other Colleges

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usually details of psu recruitment and other exam details will be updated in GO home page or GO Fb group. most of the application details and deadlines you can know in this way. ISI, CMI,TIFR,etc conduct their own exams for masters admissions. TIFR gives only integrated phd and there is no masters programs. ISI and TIFR admits using  gate score as well and TIFR-GS application deadline is already over for this year. main psus that recruits with gate score are BARC,DRDO,iocl,bsnl,cabinet secretariat,AAI,NLC,etc. ISRO have seperate exam for that and application deadline is already over I guess. just visit the web sites of these for info and post in GO fb group if you found any relevant news about recruitements.

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