in Theory of Computation
5 votes
5 votes

A→ BS|b

B→ SA|a


in Theory of Computation


ok then its fine , i have not checked the answer but , it seems ok as the method is absolutely ok ,
Thanks. It would be great if you could cross check since I have end sem tomorrow.

To convert the given context-free grammar into Greibach Normal Form (GNF), we need to follow a set of rules. GNF is a specific form of a context-free grammar where each production has the form A → aα, where 'a' is a terminal symbol, and α is a possibly empty string of variables (non-terminals).

The given grammar is:


S → AB

A → BS | b

B → SA | a


Let's convert this grammar into GNF:

**Step 1:** Eliminate ε-productions (productions that derive the empty string ε).

There are no ε-productions in the given grammar, so no changes are needed for this step.

**Step 2:** Eliminate unit productions (productions of the form A → B).

In the given grammar, we have unit productions:


A → BS

B → SA


We can replace these unit productions with their respective right-hand sides, recursively if necessary. After this step, we get:


A → bS | b

B → aS | a


**Step 3:** Remove left-recursion.

In the given grammar, we have indirect left-recursion through A and B. To remove left-recursion, we'll introduce new non-terminals and rewrite the productions.

The modified grammar becomes:


S → AB

A → bSA' | b

A' → bSA' | b

B → aSB' | a

B' → aSB' | a


**Step 4:** Remove productions with more than one non-terminal on the right-hand side.

The modified grammar has productions with more than one non-terminal on the right-hand side:


A' → bSA' | b

B' → aSB' | a


We can convert these productions into GNF by introducing new non-terminals. Here's the final GNF:


S → AB

A → bX | b

X → SA'

A' → bX | b

B → aY | a

Y → SB'

B' → aY | a


Now, every production in this grammar has the form A → aα, where 'a' is a terminal symbol, and α is a possibly empty string of variables (non-terminals), which is the characteristic of Greibach Normal Form (GNF).

1 Answer

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I have done like this hope you like it

This is my solution

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