in IISc/IITs
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How is MS CSE at IIT Indore ? What is the application process (The website is just looping into pages, not understanding) ? Is there any senior who is pursuing or has completed this course ?
in IISc/IITs

1 Answer

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2 votes

I was able to make some progress on that yesterday. I believe you found this page (link 1) The process is as follows:

>  Open Advertisement link, scroll down to page 4, it has the flow chart. I will simplify it for you.

 step 1: Pay 800 rs to sbi at this link

step 2: save the receipt of the transaction.

step3: Now go back to link 1, click apply for admission. Fill in the details and click submit. This will take you to the complete application form. Fill the complete form. 

step 4: Take the print out of the form, paste your photo and sign it, scan it and email everything to the coordinator. (i am yet to do this)


If you read page 4, and 6 and relate it to my explanation. You would get. it.

I agree the submitting this form is tricky. People able to fill this form should be awarded admission without interview :)


edited by


use third option "print application".


Ya but its just opening, with no download option right?
press ctrl-p then on the left side instead of selecting a printer select save as pdf...

if dis wasn't helpful google it on how to save print page as pdf....:)

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