in Digital Logic
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Represent the decimal number 3864 in 2421. Show that the code is self-complementing by taking the 9’s complement of 3864
in Digital Logic

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3864  -  (3 8 6 4) => => (0011 1110 1100 0100)  is 2421 representation

9's complement of 3864 is  6135 which in 2421 representation is => (1100 0001 0011 1011)

 (0011 1110 1100 0100) = (3864)10
 (1100 0001 0011 1011) = (6135)10

Compare the two, we get each other by interchanging 0's and 1's

Self-complementing codes provide the 9’s complement of a decimal number, just by interchanging 1’s and 0’s in its equivalent 2421 representation.

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