in Verbal Aptitude edited by
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The ban on smoking in designated public places can save a large number of people from the well-known effects of environmental tobacco smoke. Passive smoking seriously impairs respiratory health. The ban rightly seeks to protect non-smokers from its ill effects.

Which of the following statements best sums up the meaning of the above passage:

  1. Effects of environmental tobacco are well known.
  2. The ban on smoking in public places protects the non-smokers.
  3. Passive smoking is bad for health.
  4. The ban on smoking in public places excludes passive smoking. 
in Verbal Aptitude edited by

2 Answers

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3 votes
Best answer

"The ban on smoking in designated public places can save a large number of people from the well-known effects of environmental tobacco smoke. Passive smoking seriously impairs respiratory health. The ban rightly seeks to protect non-smokers from its ill effects."

Throughout the passage the main talk is about "ban". Though options A and C are mentioned in the passage, the main meaning of the passage is given by option B -- "The ban on smoking in public places protects the non-smokers."

Correct Option: B.

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0 votes
Option C. is the right answer . This is because this passage tells us that passive smoking is bad for health and so the ban is justified in this statement only ..

1 comment

Not actually. It must be B.

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