in Verbal Aptitude edited by
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The proposition ‘No historians are non-mathematician’ is equivalent to which of the following proposition?

  1. All historians are mathematicians
  2. No historians are mathematicians
  3. Some historians are mathematicians
  4. Some historians are not mathematicians


in Verbal Aptitude edited by

1 Answer

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Let $x$ : A person

      $h(x)$: $x$ is a historian  and

      $m(x)$: $x$ is a mathematician

No historians are non-mathematicians $\equiv$ There does not exist $x$ such that $x$ is historian and not a mathematician.$\equiv \sim \exists x(h(x)\wedge \sim m(x)) \equiv \forall x(\sim h(x) \vee m(x))$

  1. All historians are mathematicians $\equiv$ For all $x$, if $x$ is a historian, then it has to be  a mathematician $\equiv \forall x(h(x)\rightarrow m(x))\equiv \forall x(\sim h(x) \vee m(x))$
  2. No historians are mathematicians $\equiv$ There does not exist $x$ such that $x$ is a historian and $x$ is a mathematician$\equiv \sim \exists x( h(x) \wedge m(x)) \equiv \forall x(\sim h(x) \vee \sim m(x))$
  3. Some historians are mathematicians $\equiv$ There exist some $x$ such that $x$ is a historian and also a mathematician$\equiv \exists x( h(x) \wedge m(x))$
  4. Some historians are not mathematicians $\equiv$ There exist some $x$ such that $x$ is a historian and also not a mathematician$\equiv \exists x( h(x) \wedge \sim m(x))$

$\therefore$ Option $1.$ is correct.


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