in IISc/IITs
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5 votes
If someone has less that 60 % (i.e. Second class in Engineering), General Category and get good rank in GATE. (Though not good enough for admission in IISc Banglore! Say AIR 400, AIR 200 or something like that )


What are chances of getting admission into other IIT's/NIT's/Other universities ?

What universities allow candidates with less than 60% in engineering in Computer Science for Mtech  ?  ( I got 65+ % in engg, This is question I'm asking for someone else !)

Please answer if you know anything.
in IISc/IITs


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I think NITs does not permit candidate under 60% in engg. How ever IISC, IITK, IITM, ISM Dhanbad Permit candidate with less than 60% aggregate in engg. If someone has 60%+ in FINAL YEAR of engg they are eligible for IIT Bombay! Other institutes permit less than 60% are IIITH,NSIT,DTU* :D
DTU requires 60% for general category.. Hoping that at least some institute will allow <60% !

1 Answer

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min for NIT is 60% but you can opt other colleges but these year only two IIT's are there IIT roorke and iit gandhinagar but there is no cs (im not conform you can recheck)at  iit gandhinagar....    IISc is there ISM and JNU, jamia ,rajisthan central univ and ISI kolkata..........

if we are not getting 60% means, we are just left out with few options and full competition, univ are clear if you cant get 60%then prove your self by scoring good in  gate or there respective entrance

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