in Verbal Aptitude edited by
2 votes
2 votes

Choose the most appropriate alternative from the options given below to complete the following
I ___ to have bought a diamond ring.

  1. have a liking
  2. should have liked
  3. would like
  4. may like
in Verbal Aptitude edited by

2 Answers

5 votes
5 votes
Best answer

Ans C
I would like to have bought a diamond ring.

We use would like to have + v3 form when talking about things in the past that we have missed.


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–1 vote
–1 vote
// Ans is B->I should have liked to have bought a diamond ring

I would like to buy a diamond ring so C is wrong//  wrong

oops ..I got it wrong now I think C is right cause for example suppose u wanted to give ur spouse a diamond ring and u had only limited money but suddenly because of some emergency you didn't ..and now u r talking to ur friend explaining him what exactly happened you would "I would like to have bought a diamond ring for her" means that u wanted to buy a diamond ring but because of something u didn't..

also the option B is wrong cause "should" is a tentative term and bought is past term(past participle of buy) so tentative term can't be used with the past..
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what is the meaning of option B?
I think..
Its like the person visited the shop some time ago..
But suppose she dint have enough money to buy the thing. Then she would say to her friend -
I would like to have bought a diamond ring.
So, I think C is the correct answer.
B doesnot make sense
where we learn this english portion @abhilashpanicker29

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