in Quantitative Aptitude edited by
7 votes
7 votes

Raju has $14$ currency notes in his pocket consisting of only Rs. $20$ notes and Rs. $10$ notes. The total money value of the notes is Rs. $230$. The number of Rs. $10$ notes that Raju has is

  1.  $5$
  2.  $6$
  3.  $9$
  4.  $10$
in Quantitative Aptitude edited by

3 Answers

9 votes
9 votes
Best answer

No. of Rs 20 notes $- x$
No. of Rs 10 notes $- y$

Solving the two equations, we get.
$x=9, y=5$
So, the number of Rs. $10$ notes is $5.$

Answer A.

1 vote
1 vote
no . of notes rs. 10 is 5
0 votes
0 votes
for that question there is 10 and 20 rs notes... total is 230.. so u need odd no of 10 rs notes ... so it will be a or c ... now 5*10+20*9= 230 ... no of notes 9+5=14 .... so option A ... u can calculate by taking X .. by sometimes u can guess the by jst observing it ..

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