in Analytical Aptitude edited by
9 votes
9 votes

Fact: If it rains, then the field is wet.

Read the following statements:

  1. It rains
  2. The field is not wet
  3. The field is wet
  4. It did not rain

Which one of the options given below is NOT logically possible, based on the given fact?

  1. If (iii), then (iv).
  2. If (i), then (iii).
  3. If (i), then (ii).
  4. If (ii), then (iv).
in Analytical Aptitude edited by

3 Answers

11 votes
11 votes
Best answer
Option B and D are not the answer due to the fact that question asks about which of the given option NOT logically possible .
Option B is given fact, and option D is contrapositive of given fact.

Option A, field may be wet but that does not mean there is a rain. So this logically possible.

Option C, it is logically not possible, if it rains then field must be wet. Thus option C is only correct option.
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A statement is a logical statement if it is either True or False but never both.

Option A can also be the answer because the statement ‘If the field is wet then it did not rain’ may be True or False.

@Anand patel bro the question is asking which option is NOT logically possible , 

Since the option A is logically possible that’s why it is not the correct answer . 

1 vote
1 vote
C is the answer,

A is Logically possible as If the field is wet, Then It may or maynot rained....

B is the given statement...

and C is also Logically possible If the Field is not wet,Then definately there is no rain ...
1 vote
1 vote
Both A. And C should be correct

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