in Combinatory
4 votes
4 votes
Consider a bookshelf with $15$ books placed in sequential manner.
In how many ways one can choose a set of $5$ books from this shelf so that no $2$ books in this set should be adjacently positioned at the time of picking $?$
in Combinatory


//Just had a thought...

This problem can be reframed as:

Map 5 books to 15 positions such that no two books are adjacent.

which can be further reframed as:

Map 5 objects to 15 positions such that no two objects are adjacent.

which can be further reframed as:

No. of bit strings of length 15 such that exactly 5 bits are 1 and bits that are 1 can't be adjacent.

Eg: Bit string 101010101000000 can be interpreted as:

     book1 is placed in pos. 1 (assuming we count positions from the lhs of the bit string.)

     book2 is placed in pos. 3 and so on....

This problem can be further reframed as:

15 bits = 5 1's + 10 0's

Pos. of 10 0's is fixed: i.e.   _0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_

In how many ways, 5 1's can be mapped to 11 positions. (blanks seen above.)

So, our problem further reduces to:

In how many ways 5 elements be chosen from 11 elements? //elements = positions.

This can be done in: $\binom{11}{5}$ ways.


perfect !!

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