in Other Colleges
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Hello all,

I got selected for ME CS in BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus. I have few doubts that I wanted to clear before I make the payment.

1. My reason to pursue master's is that currently, being from a non autonomous college, I hardly get a chance to showcase my skills to product companies. I hope going to BITS will change that. So how is BITSP Hyd with regards to stuff like placements, exposure to startups, tech meetups, etc. basically things that can help me get a great job.

2. Any financial help beyond the stipend that we get? The 2 year fee would almost be equal to my parent's 2.5 year income. Now I'd be clear that I'll join BITS anyway, but every penny that I can get will help a lot as most likely I'll need to take a loan or borrow money from people.

3. What's the technical reason behind the degree being ME and not MTech?. Is MTech reserved only for Govt colleges? Would it make any difference?

4. I tried but couldn't find any documents for courses available or structure of program. Please help me with that.

5. Same for dept, couldn't find link where I could read about the professors, the labs, etc.

in Other Colleges

1 comment

@AP plz answer your point 2 of your question.

Also ,what was your gate score??


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