in Analytical Aptitude retagged by
12 votes
12 votes

Three of the five students are allocated to a hostel put in special requests to the warden, Given the floor plan of the vacant rooms, select the allocation plan that will accommodate all their requests.

Request by X: Due to pollen allergy, I want to avoid a wing next to the garden.

Request by Y: I want to live as far from the washrooms as possible, since I am very much sensitive to smell.

Request by Z: I believe in Vaastu and so I want to stay in South-West wing.

The shaded rooms are already occupied. WR is washroom

in Analytical Aptitude retagged by

1 comment

This question was more about your scrolling and eye coordination ability than reasoning...😆

2 Answers

19 votes
19 votes
Best answer
Only in option D, we see that that Z has been assigned in S-W zone. Hence no scope of confusion with other options.

Moreover X and Y's requests have also been satisfied : X has not been assigned close to the garden.

Y has not been assigned close to the washroom.
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In Option D isn't Z staying in S-E wing instead of S-W?
Yes if you consider the actual option sequence given in GATE 19 then option (D) (Here in GO) was given in option (B)(in Actual paper) which is correct answer and i think you're talking about options (D)(Given in the official Response Sheet) then yes Z is staying in S-E wing :)
2 votes
2 votes
X want not live nearby garden  due to pollen allergy

Y want not live nearby wash room(WR)

Z want  to live in the South West wing

Clear it is option D

Because x is far from garden   Y is far from wash room  and Z is staying in South West wing

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