in Computer Networks
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How many frames per second can gigabit Ethernet handle? Think carefully and take
into account all the relevant cases. Hint: the fact that it is gigabit Ethernet matters.
in Computer Networks

2 Answers

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assuming the frame size be 64 Bytes.

In the Gigabit Ethernet
10^9 bits in 1 sec

converting it into number of frames.

10^9 divided by 64*8
1953125 frames.
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The smallest Ethernet frame is 512 bits,

so at 1 Gbps we get 1,953,125 or almost 2 million frames/sec.

However, this only works when frame bursting is operating.

Without frame bursting, short frames are padded to 4096 bits, in which case the maximum number is 244,140.


For the largest frame (12,144 bits), there can be as many as 82,345 frames/sec.

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