in Digital Logic edited by
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The characteristic equation of a $\text{T}$ flip-flop is :

  1. $Q_{n+1}=T\overline Q_n+\overline T Q_n$
  2. $Q_{n+1}=T+Q_n$
  3. $Q_{n+1}=TQ_n$
  4. $Q_{n+1}=\overline T$$\overline Q_n$

The symbols used have the usual meaning.

in Digital Logic edited by

2 Answers

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Option A

Present state EX-OR with T gives next state
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in T flip flop if the input value is low (0) it remains in the previous state but if the input value is high(1) it basically changes the state (Toggle/complement) 

characteristic table of T flip flop:

 $T$ $Q_n$ $Q_{n+1}$
$0$ $0$ $0$
$0$ $1$ $1$
$1$ $0$ $1$
$1$ $1$ $0$

From the above table $Q_{n+1}=\bar TQ_n+T\bar Q_n$

or $Q_{n+1}=T\oplus Q_n$

Option $(A)$ is correct here.

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