in Digital Signal Processing recategorized by
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At a room temperature of $300K$, calculate the thermal noise generated by two resistors of $10K\Omega$ and $20K\Omega$ when the bandwidth is $10KHz$.

  1. $1.2868\times10^{-6}V, 1.819\times10^{-6}V$
  2. $6.08\times10^{-6}V, 15.77\times10^{-6}V$
  3. $16.66\times10^{-6}V, 2.356\times10^{-6}V$
  4. $1.66\times10^{-6}V, 0.23\times10^{-6}V$
in Digital Signal Processing recategorized by

1 Answer

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Option A. $1.2868 × 10^{-6}V, 1.819 × 10^{-6}V$

Noise voltage Vn = √(4R KTB)

Where, $K = 1.38×10^{-23} J/K$, the Boltzmann constant

T is the absolute temperature in kelvins,

R is the resistance

B is the bandwidth at which the power $P_{n}$ is delivered.

Noise voltage by individual resistors

$V_{n1}= √(4R_{1} KTB) = √(4×10×10^{3} ×1.38×10^{-23} ×300× 10×10^{3}) $

$= √(1.656 × 10^{-12}) = 1.2868 × 10^{-6}V$

$V_{n2}= √(4R_{1} KTB) = √(4×20×10^{3} ×1.38×10^{-23} ×300× 10×10^{3}) $

$= √(3.312 × 10^{-12}) = 1.819 × 10^{-6}V$




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