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The solution of the recurrence relation

$a_{r} = a_{r-1} + 2a_{r-2}$ with $a_{0} = 2,a_{1} = 7$ is

  1. $a_{r} = (3)^{r} + (1)^{r}$
  2. $2a_{r} = (2)^{r}/3 – (1)^{r}$
  3. $a_{r} = 3^{r+1} – (-1)^{r}$
  4. $a_{r} = 3(2)^{r} – (-1)^{r}$
in Combinatory reopened by

1 Answer

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Refer this link for solving recurrence relations(a very good read):  Solving recurrences

The question is in the form of second-order recurrence relation  :     $C_{0}x_{r}+C_{1}x_{r-1}+C_{2}x_{r-2}=0$

The characteristic equation of the recurrence is given by:    $C_{0}m^{2}+C_{1}m+C_{2}=0$ (refer the link above for detailed explanation).

$\therefore$  The given recurrence can be written as :   $a_{r}-a_{r-1}-2a_{r-2}=0$

$\Rightarrow$   $m^{2}-m-2=0$   $\Rightarrow$    $(m+1)(m-2)=0$    $\Rightarrow$   $m_{1}=-1$   and  $m_{2}=2$

For real and distinct roots of the quadratic equation, the solution to the recurrence is given by :   $x_{r}=c_{1}m_{1}^{r}+c_{2}m_{2}^{r}$

Using the given data of   $T_{0}$ and $T_{1}$, we get    $c_{1}(-1)^{0}+c_{2}(2)^{0}=2$   and   $c_{1}(-1)^{1}+c_{2}(2)^{1}=7$

$\Rightarrow$    $c_{1}=-1$  and    $c_{2}=3$

$\therefore$   Solution to the recurrence would be:   $a_{r}=3(2)^{r}-(-1)^{r}$

Option D is correct.




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