in IS&Software Engineering recategorized by
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To create an object-behavioral model, the analyst performs the following steps:

  1. Evaluates all use-cases
  2. Builds state transition diagram for the system
  3. Reviews the object behaviour model to verify accuracy and consistency
  4. Identifies events that do not derive the interaction sequence

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:

  1. $(a)$, $(b)$ and $(c)$ only
  2. $(a)$, $(b)$ and $(d)$ only
  3. $(b)$, $(c)$ and $(d)$ only
  4. $(a)$, $(c)$ and $(d)$ only
in IS&Software Engineering recategorized by

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  • Correct Answer - Option 1 : (A), (B) and (C) only 

  • The behavioral model indicates how the software will respond to external events. 

  • To create the model, the analyst must perform the following steps. Evaluate all use-cases to fully understand the sequence of interaction within the system. 

  • Identify events that drive the interaction sequence and understand how these events relate to specific objects. 

  • Create a sequence for each use-case Build a state diagram for the system Review the behavioral model to verify accuracy and consistency. 

  • ∴ Hence the correct answer is (A), (B) and (C) only.


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