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A company has a choice of two languages $L_1$ and $L_2$ to develop a software for their client. Number of LOC required to develop an application in $L_2$ is thrice the LOC in language $L_1$. Also, software has to be maintained for next $10$ years. Various parameters for two languages are given below to decide which language should be preferred for development.

$\begin{array}{|l|l|l|} \hline \text{PARAMETER} & L_1 & L_2 \\ \hline \text{Man-year needed for development} & \text{LOC}/1000 & \text{LOC}/1000 \\ \hline \text{Development cost} & \text{Rs}. 70,000 & \text{Rs}. 90,000 \\ \hline \text{Cost of Maintenance per year} & \text{Rs.} 1,00,000 & \text{Rs.} 40,000 \\ \hline \end{array}$

Total cost of project include cost of development and maintenance. What is the $\text{LOC}$ for $L_1$ for which cost of developing the software with both languages must be same?

  1. $2000$
  2. $6000$
  3. $3000$
  4. $5000$
in IS&Software Engineering recategorized by

1 Answer

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Let  no of LOC for s/w development  in L1 is x then number of LOC to develop s/w  in L2  will be 3x

in L1

Man Year  =LOC/1000= x/ 1000  

Development cost =70000 x/1000 =70x

cost per maintenance per year in L1 =100 000 so for 10 years 10x100000 =1 000 000

Cost of development in L1  70x+1000 000

in L2

Man Year  =LOC/1000= 3x/ 1000  

Development cost =90000 x 3x /1000 =270 x

cost per maintenance per year in L1 =40000 so for 10 years 10x40000 =400 000

Cost of development in L1 =270x+400 000

cost of both is equal 70x+1000 000 =270x+400 000

200x=600 000=>x=3000

hence option C is right ans

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