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Modifying the software by restructuring is called

  1. Adaptive maintenance
  2. Corrective maintenance
  3. Perfective maintenance
  4. Preventive maintenance
in IS&Software Engineering recategorized by

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official ans was perfective maintenance which is also given in many books 

in some literature  preventive is also correct restructuring or documentation updates (often referred to as "preventive" maintenance)


2 Answers

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Perfective maintenance

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Corrective, adaptive, perfective, and preventive maintenance are the four forms of maintenance.
• Corrective maintenance focuses on resolving issues that arise when the programme is in
• Adaptive maintenance is concerned with the changes made to the software in order to
make it adaptable to new environments, such as running it on a new operating system.
• The term "perfective maintenance" refers to the changes in the software that occur as a
result of adding new features.
• Preventive maintenance entails making adjustments to avoid mistakes from occurring.
The following graph shows the distribution of maintenance types by type and percentage of
time spent.
∴ Hence the correct answer is Perfective maintenance

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