in Algorithms retagged by
24 votes
24 votes

Consider the following recurrence relation.

$$T\left ( n \right )=\left\{\begin{array}  {lcl} T(n ∕ 2)+T(2n∕5)+7n & \text{if} \; n>0\\1 & \text{if}\; n=0 \end{array}\right.$$

Which one of the following options is correct?

  1. $T(n)=\Theta (n^{5/2})$
  2. $T(n)=\Theta (n\log n)$
  3. $T(n)=\Theta (n)$
  4. $T(n)=\Theta ((\log n)^{5/2})$
in Algorithms retagged by


IKKK btw it’ll be 7 divides by u raised to 0.867
Should I challenge this question?
The approach can be like this:

Construct Recursive tree and break n into two parts →   n/2 and 2n/5.

Cost to each level of tree would be equals to sum of all nodes in a level * 7.

Now check the side of tree which finish first, so that we can decide upper and lower bounds.

Here, Height of LH Tree = log n base 2.

Height of RH Tree = log n base 5/2. So, LH Tree will finish first so it will decide upper bound and RH tree will decide lower bound.

Just sum the cost for each level till the height of tree(LH Tree and RH Tree) and find the inequality.

We can see there is decreasing GP formed in both the inequalities, so the first term will be the resulting answer.

We’ll get T(n) is O(n).

7 Answers

48 votes
48 votes
Best answer

Correct Option: C

At first, draw two levels of the recursion tree:

Size of the problem will reduce as we go down a level each time in the tree.

Hence, in this case root will be the dominant part. 

Final ans is  $T(n) = \Theta (n)$     (order of the root)   (you have to ans in less than $30$ sec!)

$\text{Let}\; f(n) = 1 + a + a^2 + \ldots  + a^n, a<1 \\ \quad \implies f(n) =  \frac{1 – a^{(n+1)}}{1-a}$

When $n \to \infty, f(n) = \frac{1}{1-a} = O(1)$ since $c = \frac{1}{1-a} $ is a constant.

We can see that the size of problem reduces geometrically, and root is the dominating part.

Note: Apply the following method for divide and conquer recursions because the size of the problem reduces geometrically. Not for subtract and conquer where it might reduce arithmetically!

And to apply this idea, all the conditions of Master theorem must be satisfied.

Everything given below is not required for GATE, it's just to explain the idea.

$T(n) =  aT\left(\frac{n}{b} \right) + \Theta(n^k) \; ,  n>1$

$T(1) = c $

$($Assume all conditions of the Master theorem to be true here, $b>1).$

Let height of this tree be $h,$

$ \frac{n}{b^h} = 1 \implies  b^h = n \implies  h = \log_b(n) $

No. of leaves $= \underbrace{a*a*a*\ldots * a}_{\text{times the height of the tree}}= a^{\log_b(n)} = n^{\log_b(a)}$

Here’s the relation with master theorem:

Case 1 (root is dominant): $cn^k > ac\left(\frac{n}{b}\right)^k $

$ \implies 1 > \frac{a}{b^k} \implies  b^k > a \implies \boldsymbol{k > \log_b(a)}$

$\implies n^k > n^{\log_b(a)}$

This case of Master theorem says $T(n) = \Theta (n^k)$, which is nothing but the order of root. 

(We are kinda deriving cases of the master theorem using intuition)

Case 2 (root is equal to all levels):  $cn^k = ac\left(\frac{n}{b}\right)^k $

$  \implies 1 = \frac{a}{b^k} \implies b^k = a \implies  \boldsymbol{k = \log_b(a)}$

$\implies n^k = n^{\log_b(a)}$

According to the Master theorem, $T(n) = \Theta (n^k \log(n))$.

All the levels are equally dominant, hence final result will be the sum of all levels. That is,

size of a particular level $\times$ the height  $\implies n^k\times\log_b(n)$, Hence $T(n) = \Theta (n^k \log_b(n))$.

Case 3 (leaf level is dominant): 

$\implies 1 <\frac{a}{b^k} \implies b^k < a \implies \boldsymbol{k < \log_b(a)}$

$\implies n^k < n^{\log_b(a)}$

According to Master theorem, $T(n) = \Theta (n^{\log_b(a)})$

As the leaves’ levels are dominant, Ans will be in the order of the leaf’s level = Order of no of leaves in the tree (because base condition will be a constant)

Hence $T(n) =\Theta (n^{\log_b(a)})$

After reading this logic you’ll never have to remember the Master theorem!


You’ll find different kind of recurrence relations and how to solve them here:

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I tried to use this method on the relation T(n)=2(T/2)+nlogn

its is giving the answer nlogn as nlogn is greater than n^logbase2 2

but the answer by substitution comes out to be n (logn)^2

plz help me
edited by

@Atri you are right method does not work as mentioned,(although you have a calculation mistake), let me think on this and get back to you!

I believe this logic will not be applicable here, as the recurrence equation goes into the domain of extended master theorem, where $f(n)$ is no longer a polynomial.

reference for case 2 extension of master theorem:

You can't use master theorem when the tree has unequal leaves at all levels of the tree.
45 votes
45 votes

$$T(n) = T\left(\frac{n}{2}\right) + T\left(\frac{2n}{5}\right) + 7n $$

$\text{Recursion Tree would look like :}$

Since, $\frac{n}{2}> \frac{2n}{5}$, So, the height of the rightmost subtree will determine the lower bound of the given recurrence, and the height of the leftmost subtree will determine the upper bound of the given recurrence.

Height of the leftmost subtree is : $\log_2 n$ and so,

$T(n) \leq 7n + 7 \left( \frac{9}{10} \right)n + 7 \left( \frac{9}{10} \right)^2n + \ldots +7 \left( \frac{9}{10} \right)^{\log_2n}n$

$\implies T(n) \leq 7n \left(1+ \frac{9}{10} + \left (\frac{9}{10}\right)^2 + \ldots + \left(\frac{9}{10} \right)^{\log_2n }\right)$

$\implies T(n) \leq 7n \left (\frac{1- (\frac{9}{10})^{\log_2n + 1}}{1 – \frac{9}{10}} \right) = 70n \left(1 – (\frac{9}{10})^{\log_2n +1} \right)$

$ \quad = 70n – 70n \left(n^{\log_2\frac{9}{10}}\frac{9}{10} \right)  = 70n – 63n^{0.85}$

$\implies T(n) \leq 70n$

$\implies T(n)\in O(n)$

Height of the rightmost subtree is $: \log_{5/2} n$ and so,

$T(n) \geq 7n + 7 \left( \frac{9}{10} \right)n + 7 \left( \frac{9}{10} \right)^2n + \ldots +7 \left( \frac{9}{10} \right)^{\log_{5/2}n}n$

$\implies T(n) \geq 7n \left(1+ \frac{9}{10} + \left(\frac{9}{10} \right)^2 + \dots + \left(\frac{9}{10} \right)^{\log_{5/2}} n \right)$

$\implies T(n) \geq 7n \left(\frac{1- \left(\frac{9}{10}\right)^{\log_{5/2} (n + 1)}}{1 – \frac{9}{10}} \right) = 70n \left(1 – (\frac{9}{10})^{\log_{5/2}n + 1} \right)$

$ \qquad = 70n – 70n \left(n^{\log_{5/2}\frac{9}{10}}\frac{9}{10}\right) = 70n – 63n^{0.89}$

$\implies T(n) \geq n \left(70 – \frac{63}{n^{0.11}}\right )$

$\because \displaystyle{} \lim_{n \rightarrow\infty }\frac{63}{n^{0.11}} = 0$ for n $\geq 1$ So, $\left(70 – \frac{63}{n^{0.11}}\right )$ is a positive constant $c >0$ for large $n$ and so, $T(n) \geq cn.$

  • $T(n)\in \Omega(n)$
  • $T(n) \sim 70n$
  • $T(n) \in \Theta(n)$


Edit: For lower bound,

$T(n) \geq 7n + 7 \left( \frac{9}{10} \right)n + 7 \left( \frac{9}{10} \right)^2n + \ldots +7 \left( \frac{9}{10} \right)^{\log_{5/2}n}n$

which implies $T(n) \geq 7n $

So, $T(n) \in \Omega(n)$ for sufficiently large $n.$

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@Nikhil_dhama how f(n) = 1+a+a^2+….will gonna help us here that i am not able to figure out...could u plz help me out in that ?

Shortcut tip: Decreasing GP in always constant.
I tried to use this method on the relation T(n)=2(T/2)+nlogn

its is giving the answer nlogn as nlogn is greater than n^logbase2 2

but the answer by substitution comes out to be n (logn)^2

plz help me
5 votes
5 votes


Please correct me if I am wrong

Basic recurrence tree method helps in this

I would say this question is easy concept wise, but time consuming


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You have done a calculation mistake on the bottom board. It should be 70n.
Summation should be finite, not infinite because the base condition is given and recurrence should be ended here.
yes. you are right. I will update it.
yes the summation is finite.
1 vote
1 vote

After solving you will get answer as O(n)


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