in Verbal Aptitude retagged by
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5 votes

Some people suggest anti-obesity measures $\text{(AOM)}$ such as displaying calorie information in restaurant menus. Such measures sidestep addressing the core problems that cause obesity: poverty and income inequality.

Which one of the following statements summarizes the passage?

  1. The proposed $\text{AOM}$ addresses the core problems that cause obesity
  2. If obesity reduces, poverty will naturally reduce, since obesity causes poverty
  3. $\text{AOM}$ are addressing the core problems and are likely to succeed
  4. $\text{AOM}$ are addressing the problem superficially
in Verbal Aptitude retagged by

1 Answer

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12 votes
Best answer

Option (D). AOM are addressing the problem superficially.

Such measures sidestep addressing the core problems

As AOM are not addressing the core problems, they are superficial.

superficial, shallow, cursory mean lacking in depth or solidity. superficial implies a concern only with surface aspects or obvious features. a superficial analysis of the problem shallow is more generally derogatory in implying lack of depth in knowledge, reasoning, emotions, or character.

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