in Verbal Aptitude retagged by
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8 votes

Listening to music during exercise improves performance and reduces discomfort. Scientists researched whether listening to music while studying can help students learn better and the results were inconclusive. Students who needed external stimulation for studying fared worse while students who did not need any external stimulation benefited from music.

Which one of the following statements is the $\text{CORRECT}$ inference of the above passage?

  1. Listening to music has no effect on learning and a positive effect on physical exercise
  2. Listening to music has a clear positive effect both in physical exercise and on learning
  3. Listening to music has a clear positive effect on physical exercise. Music has a positive effect on learning only in some students
  4. Listening to music has a clear positive effect on learning in all students. Music has a positive effect only in some students who exercise
in Verbal Aptitude retagged by


option ( C ) – is the correct inference from the above passage; because listening to music shows positive effect only for some students
Option C.

The keyword here is 'inconclusive', which means they are not sure if it does help or not. So the music did help some and for some it didn't. So, my best guess is Option C.

Option (C)

Listening to music has a clear positive effect on physical exercise. Music has a positive effect on learning only in some students

  1. N.S is( C)Listening to music has a clear positive effect on physical exercise. Music has a positive effect on learning only in some students

5 Answers

5 votes
5 votes
Best answer
  1. Listening to music during exercise improves performance and reduces discomfort
  1. listening to music while studying can help students learn better and the results were inconclusive. 

These two statements suggests that Music listening helps everyone during exercise but we cannot conclude anything on its effect on studying as results were inconclusive. For some students it works, and for some it does not.

Personally for me, it does. :)

Option C is the correct one.

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2 votes
2 votes
Option C

Listening to music has a clear positive effect on physical exercise (as it improves performance  and reduces discomfort)

but  Listening to music can only benefit some (students who  does  not need  any external stimulation)
1 vote
1 vote

Option C) 
Listening to music during exercise improves exercise performance ….. this is written in 1st line of paragraph which means Listening to music has clear positive effect on physical exercise   Now while studying NOT ALL

but some of the students are benefited from music which means Music has positive effect on learning only in some students hence option C should be the answer

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0 votes
Option C – Listening to music has a clear positive effect on physical exercise. Music has a positive effect on learning only in some students


The question implies that listening to music is beneficial while exercising but while studying, listening to music may or may not bring good results.

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