in Verbal Aptitude recategorized by
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3 votes

Oxpeckers and rhinos manifest a symbiotic relationship in the wild. The oxpeckers warn the rhinos about approaching poachers, thus possibly saving the lives of the rhinos. Oxpeckers also feed on the parasitic ticks found on rhinos.

In the symbiotic relationship described above, the primary benefits for oxpeckers and rhinos respectively are,

  1. Oxpeckers get a food source, rhinos have no benefit
  2. Oxpeckers save their habitat from poachers while the rhinos have no benefit
  3. Oxpeckers get a food source, rhinos may be saved from the poachers
  4. Oxpeckers save the lives of poachers, rhinos save their own lives
in Verbal Aptitude recategorized by
Migrated from GO Mechanical 3 years ago by gatecse

2 Answers

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Best answer
Oxpeckers and rhinos manifest a symbiotic relationship in the wild. The oxpeckers $\underbrace{\text{warn the rhinos about approaching poachers}}_{\text{rhinos may be saved from the poachers}}$, thus possibly saving the lives of the rhinos. $\underbrace{\text{Oxpeckers also feed on the parasitic ticks}}_{\text{Oxpeckers get a food source}}$ found on rhinos.

Correct option: C.
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Option C – Oxpeckers get a food source, rhinos may be saved from the poachers


The oxpeckers warn the rhinos about approaching poachers, thus possibly saving the lives of the rhinos. Oxpeckers also feed on the parasitic ticks found on rhinos.

The above underlined lines imply Option C


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