in Verbal Aptitude retagged by
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The Canadian constitution requires that equal importance be given to English and French. Last year, Air Canada lost a lawsuit, and had to pay a six-figure fine to a French-speaking couple after they filed complaints about formal in-flight announcements in English lasting $15$ seconds, as opposed to informal $5$ second messages in French.

The French-speaking couple were upset at _______.

  1. the in-flight announcements being made in English.
  2. the English announcements being clearer than the French ones.
  3. the English announcements being longer than the French ones.
  4. equal importance being given to English and French.
in Verbal Aptitude retagged by
Migrated from GO Electronics 2 years ago by Arjun

2 Answers

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Best answer

French-speaking couple after they filed complaints about formal in-flight announcements in English lasting 15 seconds, as opposed to informal 5 second messages in French

This clearly shows that the French couple were upset that the English announcements were longer than the French.

Correct option: C

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1 comment

But don’t  word ‘informal’ and ‘formal’ shows option B can also be correct?
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Option C. the English announcements being longer than the French ones.


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