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A factory employs skilled workers, unskilled workers and clerks in the proportion $8: 5: 1,$ and the wages of a skilled worker, an unskilled worker and a clerk are in the ratio $5: 2: 3.$ When $20$ unskilled workers are employed, the total daily wages of all (skilled workers, unskilled workers and clerks) amount to ₹ $318.$ The wages paid to each category of workers are $:$

  1. ₹  $240$,  ₹  $60$, ₹  $18$
  2. ₹  $200$,  ₹  $90$, ₹  $28$
  3. ₹  $150$,  ₹  $108$, ₹  $60$
  4. ₹  $250$,  ₹  $50$, ₹  $18$
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5 part -→ 20 

so, 1 part -→ 4 

so number of skilled worker 32 (8*4)

unskilled worker 20 (given)

clerks 4 (4*1 )

lets say wage of one person in skilled category is 5y

for unskilled 2y , clerk 3y 

so 5y * 32 + 2y * 20 + 3y * 4 = 318 

y= 1.5 

by this we can find wags of ALL category  

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