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Rakesh is standing at a point. He walks $20 \; \text{m}$ towards the East and further $10 \; \text{m}$ towards the South, then he walks $35 \; \text{m}$ towards the West and further $5 \; \text{m}$ towards the North, then he walks $15 \; \text{m}$ towards the East. What is the straight distance in metres between his starting point and the point where he reached last $?$

  1. $0$ 
  2. $5$
  3. $10$
  4. $15$ 
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1 Answer

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B). 5 ..

Let Rakesh’s starting point be A and the end point be F ...

Let the turns be denoted by B,C,D and E...

Now BC = 10 ..

ED = 5 ..

BC II ED ...

Therefore AF = BC – AD ...

AF = 10 – 5 ...

AF = 5 ...

Hence, the shortest distance between the initial and the final point of Rakesh is 5 m…



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