in Written Exam
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Hey guys ,

I am 2020 ECE passout ,opted for GATE CSE 2022 . I could not make it up to my expectations last year ( 2021 ).

Its just 5 days to the official release of the Response sheet . How was your paper? Since there is no discussion so far regarding the paper in GO, I thought of starting this.

I felt , MSQs were bit tricky , it took a significant amount of time which costed me to lose some marks in NAT .

I think I could have done a better time management in the exam .

what do you think about the overall difficulty level of the paper ? what is the expected cut-off?


All the best guys
in Written Exam

1 Answer

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0 votes
Difficulty level was easy to moderate, but trickier part was 50% questions included MSQ and NAT .
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