in Written Exam
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So here is the dilemma I am in. I have scored 710, AIR 521 in Gate this year. I had completed all the syllabus, and I was scoring good in test series too. After analyzing my paper performance I realized I lack in time management, problem solving skills and managing my anxiety. (I am quite certain that if I take a drop and prepare again, I might get under 100 rank)

The problem is that the environment at my home is not good for staying at home and preparing again. I have explored a few options, and here are they (these options will let me stay far from home)

  1. Joining a course some place for GATE (I tried calling Made Easy Delhi today, unfortunately they don’t have Rank Improvement Batch for CSE branch. The thing is that I am not sure if my parents would agree for me to stay in a new city, if I am not affiliated to some classes). I would very much appreciate if you can suggest me some classes which have separate coaching for droppers.
  2. Doing a part-time job while preparing again (I have good experience in software development, there are chances I might find one).
  3. Doing a full-time job while preparing again, I had applied to Infosys (after the GATE exam) and received an offer letter from them. I am skeptical about this option as the job is from 9 to 5 plus there is a four month training period.

I would appreciate insights on my situation and any suggestion you might have. 

Thank you for reading :)

in Written Exam

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I got the same rank and score if you are general category prepare for the interviews.

1 Answer

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Take the job at Infosys

Buy applied course. They have recorded well structured lectures, so you'll be able to use the course as per your convenience. Their doubt clearing is very good.

They also have the notes ready, although it is recommended you make your own.

You may make it to below 100 after dropping a year.

If you do so, remember, your sense of stability and belonging will go away very quickly.

If you have studied Maslow's hierarchy of needs, you know that in a case as such, your brain will not function at it's best. You won't be going nearly as efficiently as well.

Try all the mock tests when time comes, and before you know it, you'll be ready for gate2023, you'll rank very good, because you've already done so well this year. And you'll also have a years worth experience at a good job.

Good luck.

1 comment

You can try goclasses as well .

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