in IIITH-PGEE edited by
2 votes
2 votes
GATE 2021: 1700 rank
GATE 2022: 3500 rank

this has broken me. a year full of preparation and results not at all as expected.
I am preparing for PGEE but I feel lost. I want to get into IIIT H but I am not currently confident enough. I am looking for colleges that I can get through last year's score and I am getting a few mediocre NITs and IIIts like Allahabad. My expectations are much higher and PGEE can solve all my problems for now.

how should I deal with this?
in IIITH-PGEE edited by

1 Answer

2 votes
2 votes
If your syllabus is complete, you've done your previous year questions and mock tests, you could try taking a week long break. Stay away from social media, don't watch Netflix or anime. Read story books and talk to friends and relatives. Go for long walks at a park or even better near a lake. Get as much sunlight as you can.

You've been at it for a long enough time to feel really frustrated. Your deprovement is an evidence of that. Remember every exam is independent of the other. Forgive yourself for failing at a previous attempt.

Also try to cut off bad habbits slowly.


Thank you for your response.

But exam is on 16th April and I can't take a week long or a day break even if the syllabus maybe over. Aptitude part is tougher in PGEE.

I will surely see a way for me to get out of this frustration.
bro did u get the seat there ??
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