in Graph Theory
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How to determine for which m, n the complete bipartite graph $Km,n$ is planar?

I am getting two answers from two sources:-

  1. A complete bipartite graph $Kmn$ is planar if and only if m<3 or n>3. Source:
  2. Since $K3,3$ is not planar, but $K2,n$ is planar for every n, we have that Km,n is planar if and only if m ≤ 2 or n ≤ 2. Source:

Need a proper proof of the solution. 

in Graph Theory

1 Answer

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Best answer

Graph is planar if we can draw the graph on a 2-D plane without overlapping edges.

For $K_{1,n}$ are palanar because we can draw planar graph like,

For $K_{2,n}$ are also planar, we can draw them like


We know that $K_{3,3}$ is non-planar. So for every $m>=3$ and $n>=3$  we get $K_{3,3}$ as sub-graph so it is not planar. [According to Kuratowski's Theorem]

 Kuratowski's Theorem states that a graph is planar if and only if it contains no sub-graph of $K_5$ or $K_{3,3}$

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Thanks. So we can say that:-

$\sim planar \iff m>=3$ $ \wedge $ $n>=3$ OR,

$planar \iff m<3$  $\vee$ $n<3$
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