Most viewed posts in Others


Thanks Havan Somaiya @Hvncool for suggesting this. I request all seniors to please fill this form. Also, do suggest if I missed any relevant point.




Arjun posted in Others May 19, 2017 edited May 19, 2017 by Arjun
by Arjun

GO Key for ISRO 2017 is now available. You can get the key, take exam or browse the questions by following the corresponding links in the below page. Thanks to all the contributors in getting this done.

Arjun posted in Others May 10, 2017
by Arjun
We have a blog for which PSU’s going to recruit through GATE-19, and their links

I didn’t find such a blog, please can anyone make a clear blog ?

( if any post already exist, i will close this )


I found on HOME page of GO, other than that
Shaik Masthan posted in Others Jan 18, 2019

BARC 2020 Paper :

Every Year students search BARC previous year paper.Here is this year exam paper. Hope this blog will helpful for future aspirants.not all the questions but most of the questions are covered here.

Slot 1: Date 14/03/2020 


1) C programming & Data Structure:

A)  C programming pointer     declaration Expression was given, asking about which one is the correct expression, you can refer the similar  type of question here:

B) 1D & 2D array declaration was given, asking about which one is correct? A similar kind of question is asked in the gate exam.


C)   2 Questions came from the Recursion topics, we have to guess the output of program.

 Refer here for Recursion questions:

D)  preorder/ postorder was given, asking about how many numbers of binary tree possible from the given tree.

E)  A BFS tree was given asking which of the following edge are not BFS edge.

F) Linear probing (gate similar question 2010 ) 

   Refer Here:

G)  Min heap  (Min Heap property based question)

H)  Max heap insertions after 2 node insertion what is the output??

   (Refer previous year questions based on max heap insertion.:

I) 1 question based on parameter passing technique.


2) Digital electronic:


A) count the  number of 1’s in decimal system(decimal to binary conversion)( previous year patterns, data is changed in the exam)

  Refer here:

B)  K-map basic question

     (Practics K-map from here: 4 variable k-map is given asking correct expression in sop from)

  1.  (4 variable exor gate is given asking about correct K-map)

D)  ( 4X1 Mux is given asking for an expression of line number 2)

E)    (3DFF was given asking what is counting sequence after 6th clock)

F) question-based on RAM.


3) Algorithm:


A) Greedy and Dynamic basic question (Property-based theory question)

B) Time complexity calculation based

C) Recurrence relation matching (pyq ditto) Refer here

D) ( Quicksort, merge sort, insertion sort, selection sort)

  A sequence of number was given, after applying some algorithm new input is generated, which algorithm is used for generated input. (MS,QS.IS,SS, sorting based)


4) TOC, Cd: 


A)   (Finite automata is given asking Regular expression)

B). No of A's div by 3 or 5 

     Asking for # of state in NFA aur DFA .

C) Design the Regular expression using eipsilon NFA

D) Parsing if a grammar is left recursive then which is invalid ( recursive descent, LR, LALR,)

E) Valid palindrome seq asking compiler 

 F) Language Identify question practics from here:


5)  Engineering Maths:


 A) probability 4-5 question (hypergeometric based, conditional probability)

B) linear algebra 2×2 matrix inverse 



6) DMS:


A) Predicated logic gate level question.

B) on set {1,2,3,4} A relation was given asking weather it is equivalence or poset.

C) .(where we use the associative property,group, monoid, semi group, lattice.

D) # of Disconnected graph for even number of vertices n>=4


7) CN:


A) Basic IP add question asking # of the host.

B) DVR (gate que kitne link unused hoge)

C) cryptography theory

D) digital signature (Anarkali Salim gate question)

E) Web browser & HTTP  (gate question asking correct sequencing order)

F) TCP basic numerical


8) DBMS:


A) ER table minimization (1:m & m:m) 

B) BCNF decomposition which is the invalid decomposition

C (some theory question on view,SQL )

D) question based on Where clause & having

E) Indexing formula based numerical

F) (Sql query based question.


9) CSA:


A) Machine instructions (gate que halting , programs counter que 2006 ya 2007 same type of question))

B) direct mapping aur SAM mai property based difference

C) LRU. aur LFU  based mapping question.



10) OS: 


A) (SRTF, asking TAT of the process a)

B) disk scheduling (SCAN) (Ref Here:

C) BANKER ALGORITHM ( safe seq deadlock unsafe can't say, pyq type) refer here:

D)Gate 2020 ditto question (process diagram wala new ready running. Kn sa invalid hai) Refer here:

E) binary semaphore(programming question, the final value of S, pyq type)

F) dining philosopher (programming based question, output find)

G) #page fault-based question

H) TLB calculation formula-based

I) theory on trashing & domp 

J) question based on best-fit algorithm & external fragmentation theory-based


Out of 100 70 -80 questions are from gate syllabus remaining from c++ (oops concepts, polymorphism.friend functions, constructor)

Question is output finding type.


Today BARC question.

 (By Himansh Chaudhary: )

Slot 2: Date:15/03/2020 


A- find EMAT, TLB hit ratio is given (similar in pyq)

B- Page fault question- comparison in LRU nd FIFO Refer here:(

C- Max possible size of the file, block size given, Direct (present in PYQ inode type) easy question

D- Semaphore question- given S= 3, 7P and 10V, find the value of S

E- Safety algorithm question with single resources type

F- Theory question on Deadlock

G- SRTF question (disk scheduling) and 1 more question from same topic. Ref:

H- 2 questions on disk management. Ref:


2. CSA:

A- Cache hit on set associative mapping

B- Pipeline question (4 stages, 1000 inst, different time given for each stage and 5 sec register time)

C- Calculate execution time (PYQ type) - some instruction is given, time for each type inst. is given

D- some instruction is given, we have to find main memory location Which save in stack during interrupt .(similar in PYQ)


3.Prog& DS:

A- 2 question from the concept of static variable and return function.

B- 3 question, find output (PYQ) Refer:

C- C program Which has switch case and Folk() , how many time prints

D- Pointers and array type question( PYQ ) Refer:

E- Find the number of BST, built from 3 keys (PYQ)

F- Find inorder from pre and post order(PYQ)

G- Expression(X= (a+b)*(c-d)) is given , we have to select incorrect option which is neither preorder, inorder and postorder



A- which algorithm doesn't follow DP( prims, Dijkstra, Floyd, bellman

B- Match the best, avg, the best time complexity of the different sorting algorithm.

C- find time complexity, code in which heapify & build heap fun.

D- analysis of time complexity, omega and big O cases



A- Laplace question

B- Matrix(Linear algebra) question

C- 2 question of probability. (PYQ type) 



A- Negation of a quantifier equation

B- negation of C statement -- ( a!=n && z+2<=4)



A.Java- We have to find the output of code

B. C++- 2 questions on the concept of auto constructor and deconstructor

C. Abstract classes kyu use krte h

D- inheritance related question

E- 2 aur the(2 more questions)


8.Computer graphics :

A- scalar Matrix of 3D transformation

B- 2 aur qus , attempt hi na kiye :p 


9.ML(Machine Learning):

A- find an example of clustering 

B- 2-3 others question( I even didn't read the question carefully 🤣)


2 question from physics



A- Find Nf from the table (

B- SQL question - from following which one executes first- where, order by, having 

C- other 2 SQL questions (simple)



A- DVR question, find the distance at node

B- DVR, LSP theory question (PYQ type- in which count to infinity problem present something type)

C- routing table is given, match the network address(PYQ type)

D- calculate no. of subnet from the subnet mask

E- Why CSMA/CD is not used in the wireless network


12. TOC: 

A- 2 questions of REG expression

B- 2questions- Find language from automata

C - which is not CFL )

D- Mealy, Moore question

E- Regex question ( same as PYQ) 3 exp given we have to find which is a subset of which one 


13- DELD:

A- minimize the POS, Output given in form of SOP

B- the circuit of 3 DFF, SIPO, We have to find output after 4 cycle

C- *(function as X-or) operator diya hua tha , usse operation btane the

D- 2 more question

The overall exam was easy to moderate.According to him.

Something like 1 mark GATE question.

Goodluck for future BARC aspirant.

BARC 2019:

please shear your BARC exam experience so that it will helpful for the future aspirant.






Hira Thakur posted in Others Mar 15, 2020 edited Nov 18, 2020 by Hira Thakur

How do you people/toppers staying all day at home, self preparing,leaving out all your friends, social gatherings, get together and partying and all social media and entertainment (TV shows/movies) cope up with loneliness and live the solitary life, happily?

How do you manage when you see the whole world around you is busy partying, having fun with friends, going to malls, watching movies, cute couples, FB, Whatsapp, instagram and everything is buzzing around constantly and you on the other end your whole world is confided in your room and your books and notes!

How do deal with it and don't let this break your spirit?!



iarnav posted in Others Jul 12, 2017 edited Jul 13, 2017 by iarnav
by iarnav

IIT(ISM)- An Honest Opinion

Note: I will talk only about general rank range because for other categories, the stats are highly dynamic for each year and can’t be predicted.

Disclaimer: The opinions here are strictly mine and are based on times when ISM have abolished its own test and take only GATE qualified students, i.e., after becoming an IIT officially. I don’t belong to this institute anymore as I joined it on purpose with a state PSU job procedure going side by side just to be on safe side and be in an IIT  (everyone wants to be) and hence refrain from saying that I am glorifying my college because it is not mine now. Whatever mentioned here, good or bad, are true facts.

So, here it is:

Ideal for: General rank above 600 who:

  • Could not go to top 3 NITs (believe me to take ISM over NIT, Calicut. There is a huge gap between top 3 NITs (NIT T/W/S) and the 4th one).
  • Could not make it to IIT B RA due to average coding or other IIT D/K/M MS programs either due to interview rejection or lack of interest in MS.
  •  Could not get into IIIT H/B/D and BITS due to inability to crack their selection process or financial issues.

While some of the options above are really better than ISM, and some cannot be specifically mentioned as better or worse but all the options mentioned above are safe options in terms of reaping better future returns like placements and alumni base.


The teaching here at ISM for CS is ordinary with only 3 professors in the department and the rest being assistant or associate. Don’t worry, all are PhDs though. But, for someone like me who studied B.Tech from a university (central) where even seeing professors in class was actually a rare event (forget about course completion), the teachers here at ISM seemed very good. They might not know the subjects in deep but they know what they are talking about in class. They are open to questions which they might or might not be sure to answer at the very moment but it happened several times with me, that after few days of raising question in the class, the professor did get back to me with a satisfactory answer on their own. So in short, knowing that they now teach at an IIT and not ISM, they do maintain some minimum standards. You want to do research in a field in which no one specializes in the department or participate in some event (like ACM); you will still find someone in the department who will be ready to be your guide. So, they all might not be as knowledgeable as you would imagine professors of an IIT to be, but they won’t pull your legs if you’re trying. But yes, having said that remember this is India. You can’t openly be mean to someone in power. Maintaining amiable relations with professors are necessary. Annoying them can be problematic but if you take it this way that even though they are not much knowledgeable, they are still knowledgeable and can at least teach you what you don’t want to end up as in your life. :P 

There is a dearth of professors in the department and now being an IIT, the recruitment just got tougher. But recruitments are being done. So, you might not be able to choose any elective. Electives here are pre-decided like Machine Learning and Cryptography in my case. But, I don’t regret learning both. Having less choices can both be a bad or good thing. Again, don’t expect much from professors. They will only do the bare minimum for exams. But if you really put your own efforts and then knock their doors, they will never deny help (at least this happened to me).


ISM is a premier institute for B.Tech as it takes student from JEE from more than 15 years or so. So, opportunities are in abundance because almost all opportunities that come for B.Tech are open to M.Tech as well. Conferences (national, international), chapters of IEEE and ACM are few examples. This is an area where ISM, being a really old premier institute, is way above new IITs.


This is one area which is changing for better after ISM being converted to an IIT. Now, it is compulsory to publish 1 paper each in 3rd and 4th semester. The numbers of papers being published has gone high after ISM being an IIT both from student and teacher’s end.


As mentioned above, everything open for B.Tech is open to M.Tech. All major giants come for hiring here to campus along with the regular ones and startups. With ISM being converted to an IIT, the package offered by companies have gone up. The past trends of placements in M.Tech here at ISM have been erratic and the blame is only on the students. There are alumni (of M.Tech) working at top notch companies while you can find some of them bad mouthing ISM on social media. The reason is that through its own test, ISM used to admit a lot of GATE non-qualified students. How could you expect a non-GATE qualified candidate to fare well against JEE qualified ones or the one with no skill at competitive coding stand against the ones who have been coding since year 1? JEE is a lot tougher exam than GATE as it requires continuous efforts of 2 years or even more.  Everything is open, you should be equipped enough to claim what is yours.

The rule is simple- code and grab or sit and cry (or badmouth about ISM at social media). Within 10 days of my induction I had appeared for internships test for Flipkart, Amazon and Direct-i. Everyone was so busy about telling why not to join ISM last year at this time, no one told about these things. My advice is instead of asking questions on Facebook about which college to join and wasting time, code and study 3 subjects of your choice (preferably OS, C/DS, DBMS) these 2 months. Not only it will help in cracking MS/ RA/ BARC interviews but will let u grab internship opportunities. Just do your part and leave rest on the force that drives us all. :)

Many of my seniors are already placed with range of 7.5 LPA to 20 LPA (See, it all depends on your own abilities). Some of them are doing internships from major companies like Samsung, Siemens and startups. Now, around 20 of my batch-mates have already bagged full time intern opportunities. Around 15 of them have bagged interns at Intel and FYI, their average GATE rank was closer to 2000. So, while few were wasting time telling how bad the institute is and why juniors should not be joining it, some actually made their stay at ISM count.


This is the easiest part here at ISM. Getting a 7 pointer is necessary for claiming MHRD stipend or you lose it for 1 whole semester. The rule is harsh but getting a 7 pointer is way easy here. The whole credit is divided into quizzes, assignments, 1 sessional and final exam. All you need to do is be regular and attend classes because all that is asked is taught or talked about in class. I got a 10 pointer in my 1st semester and all I did was attend class regularly. Again, instead of sleeping at the back benches or laughing how the professor plotted the log graph wrong the first time and avoiding classes thinking that the professor knows nothing, attend lectures with intent to learn. This will save your time from trying to gather notes and books and trying to understand the concepts on your own from standard text or Youtube videos a night before examination, which is never going to happen. Quizzes are for namesake, no one takes them except for one. Assignments are rare and mostly given before end semester exams. So, just 1 sessional and 1 end term exam and that too 80% from copy and 20% application based. What easier than this do you expect from an IIT? Just be regular and your pointers will fall into place.

Free time:

A lot, like literally a lot! Classes are in the second half. So, it is up to you that you want to waste your time sleeping or roaming or surfing mobile or you want to be at fully equipped labs open from 9 AM to 7 PM honing your coding skills or reading papers for your research or simply prepare for GATE. For some people, it is like IISc or old IITs or nothing. For those ISM is the place. Lots of free time, the course of 1st semester is a subset of GATE and stipend are all the plus points. Dropping full time is never easy. Some might even have financial issues and preparing with job in TCS/ Wipro is not that easy. My suggestion is to join a college where you at least get stipend so that you can manage your expenses. ISM is a much better option than lower or mid -level NITs for this purpose as it has better reputation, very low pressure of coursework and even if you fail to bag a rank to get into IISc or old IITs next year too, you will still pass out with IIT written on your degree. Believe me when I say low pressure of coursework because the coursework at all old IITs/ IISc and top 3 NITs (no idea about IIITs) is very much hectic with lots of assignments, quizzes and deadlines.

Infrastructure and Facilities:

Infrastructure is not something that you can build in a day. Again, new IITs do not stand a chance against ISM with these. ISM has every infrastructure whether for academics or recreation. It will be hosting Asia’s largest (or may be 2nd largest library) in a few days. The existing library is open from 9 AM to 11 PM (yes, right) and it is filled up to that time. The labs and workshops are all equipped and remain open to students till 7 PM. There are subscriptions to latest journals both offline and online. There are seminar, workshops and conferences by leading companies and under names of IEEE, ACM and CSE Society. There is one whole building for all kind of student clubs and sports. The clubs at ISM are really reputed ones and have proved their mettle at many places. There are awesome cultural and technical fests organized by departments and institute.

Government can build IITs but not ‘make’ one. An institute is as good as its students. Here at ISM, you can never be complacent if you have eyes opened and senses working because while being in M.Tech you copy paste codes from GeeksforGeeks, some guy in 2nd year might have made it to GSoc or ACM Asiads. There is so much to learn, but only if you want to. Everything is in here, all you have to do is put efforts on your own because no one else will do it for you. Don’t expect anything from professors, just go and demand. The institute is in a state from transformation from an IIT-like institute to an IIT. So, there are pros and cons (lies mostly with administration) but things are changing. Like, this year ISM is a part of COAP. Not only the entry fee has been reduced but this time the process will be more transparent.

Decide wisely! All the best!

Edit 1:

Aiming for better, ISM has a new director. He was professor of IIT K (ex-HOD), has 24 years of teaching experience, MS and PhD from one of the most world famous University UCB and a  Btech from IITK. He aims to implement all IIT standard rules here at ISM.

prateekkmr60 posted in Others Apr 8, 2018 edited Apr 8, 2018 by prateekkmr60

ISRO is inviting applications from engineering graduates for the post of Scientists/Engineers. And the exam to be held on 17th of December!!

Sukannya posted in Others Sep 17, 2017 edited Oct 31, 2017 by Sukannya
Yesterday I received a text message from some site called "wooe" and I think many other GATE aspirants would have also received the same. 
They advertise by sending the below SMS: 
GATE 2020 Important Notification released all aspirant are advised to check click
Screenshot below:
It seems like they are offering test series for ₹479 and they give free "netflix" for one year for "educational purposes". They also claim to have faculties from IIT-Madras. 
Adding to this there are a lot of reviews to this in Quora. All these reviews are fake.
There are complaints lodged against this website which can be seen in consumer court site as well.
GATE site has this below message: (
"GATE 2020 authority is not involved with any specially designed test series for GATE aspirants. Please do not believe in the phishing/fake emails which are being circulated to the GATE aspirants by some fraudulent groups . Please note that all the relevant information about the GATE 2020 is available only at this official website."
Hopefully this keeps everyone informed here and prevent people falling prey to such frauds.
rohith1001 posted in Others Nov 2, 2019
Samujjal Das posted in Others Feb 26, 2017 recategorized Mar 6, 2017 by Samujjal Das

Hello friends !! Good morning..I was disappointed by whatever happened on the day of exam..I felt that I should write a post regarding this highlighting the issues which I felt to be worth mentioning here .Here are few of those points :

a) Out of syllabus questions : If I remember well then there are 2 out of syllabus questions from Compiler Design(related to code optimisation and code generation which are removed in the 2016 official GATE syllabus itself..Secondly there was a question on something related to vectors in engg maths which is also not there in the syllabus..So these obviously hamper the confidence of a normal student..

b) Lengthy : Some of the 1 mark questions I felt were like 2 marks questions..I mean they are time taking..(This is my personal opinion)..

c) Complex terminologies : Like the one in "birthday attack" question..

In summary hardly 1-2 questions were there in set 1 which I feel is direct..

But contrary to this , set 2 contained many direct questions and easier questions..

According to my previous experience of 2016 and on sincere analysis I did not find this much difference as it is this year.The 2015 papers were also well framed and the sets of 2015 were also well balanced..

According to me , the "out of syllabus" questions in set 1 should be addressed at least by organising committee..

Habibkhan posted in Others Feb 13, 2017

PGEE 2020 was conducted on 24th June 2020. I took it, my center was Rajkot, Gujarat. As they do not publish previous year papers, I thought some immediate memory-based topics which were most asked in the paper would be useful in coming years.

First paper was Aptitude:

  • Syllogism was asked extensively, prepare it really nice.


  • Comprehension based questions were easy, not much in content, but you must be ready to read longer paras than in GATE.


  • The questions based on figures(which is figure is different), those were as extensive as syllogism.  I haven't saw much of them in GATE/maybe a few, but in PGEE, it was asked with intent!


  • Some questions were like find out wrong word, recognize pattern(total around 5 questions from these topics.)

Overall, I would say level was definitely greater than GATE2020, but a basic knowledge on concepts of Aptitude will surely get you through this.

I don't remember what sort of Engineering Maths was asked.

Let's come to technical part, which is Computer Science and Engineering. I am not as sure in this as I am in Aptitude(Regarding which topics were asked), but I request every other student who took exam to add content to this blog, and make it complete!

  • C programming. It was asked. Really many questions, and good ones, like some good questions of GATE. Pointers were heart of all the C programming questions.


  • DSA. It was obvious, and it was asked. Most of them was based on Directed, Undirected, Weighted, MST, algorithms of MST. Make all permutations of topics of DSA I listed, and you will find questions. Be good in this, as they were not straight forward questions. You may find yourself in a good position if you have done these topics from CLRS.


  • DLD, COA was little. DLD-Mux simple question. COA-Basics only(I don't remember much about this subject, but GATE level prep should be more then enough)


  • Operating system was asked, GATE level I can say. If you know concepts well, easy walk.


  • Computer Networks, same as GATE level


  • Discrete Maths. It was asked, set, relations, functions were the topics. I would say definition of some basic things like symmetric, antisymmetric, and asymmetric relations etc(many definitions are there in DM) were the key part, previous year GATE questions, if you have done with proper understanding,  then DM should be easy walk too.

Interface was same as GATE. No negative marking in any section. 90 minutes for each section. We could not start 2nd section until we completed 90 minutes of the first, even if we answered all the Aptitude questions. No calculator, not even digital as we get in GATE was there. No questions with more than one options correct were there. Last year also, it was like this. I think are have done with this type of questions.


Hope you find it useful, and get admission in IIITH. I request all the students who took PGEE 2020 (CSE) to add their experiences and topics which were asked.

yagneshmb posted in Others Jun 24, 2020 edited Jun 25, 2020 by yagneshmb
how was the barc exam held on 9 /03/19......??
eyeamgj posted in Others Mar 9, 2019
by eyeamgj

Hello friends !! Good morning !!

First of all I would like to owe my gratitude to Gateoverflow for the knowledge and experience also to some extent that I have been gaining from it..Really many concepts are cleared and also in the solving process of various questions , I have also gained quite a good level of accuracy also..

As all of us know GATE 2017 is at our doorsteps : Just 1 week away it is from us..So this 1 week is very important for all of us from the exam point of view.

At this critical juncture we should not regret that we have not learnt a particular concept..Few will be there ; it remains with everyone including me..So not to worry too much for that..Instead revising what we have learnt properly is what matters..GATE is not about a specific question ; but throughput is what matters..What I mean is identification of question is important in exam and trying as many questions as possible hence..

So stay cool in this last week..So one should revise as much as one can and do not regret on the things which are not able to be covered..And keep your calm in the examination hall..Maintaining energy level in the exam throughout 3 hours is necessary..Read each question carefully and solve on its merit..When solving a particular question entire focus and energy should be dedicated to that question only..No other question should hover in mind..


In the end , my heartiest well wishes to all the interested GATE aspirants..Just stay focussed this last week and give ur best..Although myself is also an aspirant like you all..And hence I need best wishes from you all..

Best of luck to you all once again for GATE 2017..Let us give our best as much as possible..And remember the quote :

Even the word   "impossible"   says  " I m possible "..

Thank you all. 

Habibkhan posted in Others Feb 4, 2017

Long back Bikram Ballav suggested me to write about my Ph.D. experience which I'm yet to complete. But after seeing the information level of the GATE takers I'm forced to share everything I know about Ph.D. and clear many misconceptions. So, why should one do a Ph.D.?

  1. Because I'm mad - yes, those who do Ph.D. are mad people.
  2. No other option. I did not get a good job.
  3. I want to become a Professor.

Not sure of any more reasons but these are the common ones. Now, what one does during a Ph.D.?

  1. Do TA work
  2. Read 1000s of research papers and behave like Einstein
  3. Publish papers to journals and do no coding
  4. Struggle to get a gf/bf as no one wants a Ph.D.
  5. Struggle for money while your friends earn plenty

Now, after having seen Ph.D. life in IISc., India, INRIA France, and OSU United States, I can say something.

  1. Ph.D life is so different at good places like IITs compared to other Universities.
  2. As a Ph.D. one is expected to work on one or more problems in some specific area. So, after finishing Ph.D. you become an expert in that field and any company working in that field should be happy to hire you. Yes, Ph.Ds from good places are hired at very good salary by Tech. companies.
  3. Ph.Ds are not expected to code. But based on your project you will be required to implement something and that requires coding. During my Ph.D, I had done less coding than my Masters as for research more time is spend for analyzing stuffs.
  4. Me and many of my batch mates got married during Ph.D. But this might be hard in India or US as Ph.D. life is more hectic there. 
  5. Ph.Ds are paid okay. In India it pays better than a starting IT job whereas in France and US, it pays way better. One advantage of Ph.D. abroad is for 2 years there is no need to pay income tax.
  6. Ph.Ds are not publishing bogus papers. That happens at low tier universities. At good places they struggle to get paper published at top notch conferences where the papers are reviewed by experts from the best Universities, industries like Google, Intel, Microsoft etc. And that is the value of top conferences, citations etc. No good Professor/researcher will like to have his/her name on a bogus paper.

Now, can I do Ph.D.?

I want to do what someone tells and lead a happy life earning salary they give

I want to do what I like and give my contribution to the world however small that might be

If you think like first- no, you should never consider Ph.D. If you think like second yes, you can do Ph.D. There is no super skills required for this. You get enough time, but you should spend it in useful ways. Anyone who has prepared by self and got to top 1000 rank is qualified to do a Ph.D. - because it requires self work and guidance as Professor can only guide you, since you are doing a new work he can only solve troubles you have. Most of the problem solving path, must be found by the candidate himself. Those who ask for questions like "what is an automata" are not fit for Ph.D. As a Ph.D. candidate you are not expected to know everything -- you can happily say "I do not know to anything you do not know", but you must be willing to learn anything that is required.

Who are preferred by IISc/IIT professors?

Most of them know about Indian education system. So, never try to fool them. They want to take those students who will do good work under them. Some prefer disciplined students who put lot of effort in their work - usually who tops university exams, some prefer those who have good basics - who can answer GATE level questions, some prefer those who have in depth knowledge in their areas of research etc. Also, those who have done some good work either in terms of publications, or coding projects are also preferred.

Arjun posted in Others Apr 20, 2017
by Arjun

National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT)

on behalf of NIC invites an Application for the post of Scientist – 'B' and Scientific/Technical Assistant - 'A' in NIC [Advt No. NIELIT/NIC/2020/1].

Start date for submission of applications         26th February, 2020 
Last date for submission of applications         30th April, 2020 


                          POST             Vacancies

                     Scientist B

         Scientific/Technical Assistant                  207


       Category            Upper Age Limit (26/03/2020)
           UR                        30YR
         SC/ST                        35YR
          OBC                         33YR



           2)  (previous year paper)


Hira Thakur posted in Others Feb 24, 2020 edited Apr 15, 2020 by Hira Thakur
I would like to ask what would be the good marks to get something (IIT)out of this paper .People are saying paper was damn easy ,I am not getting it why they are saying this .According to me ,yah paper was easy but because of it level it make it difficult as expected cut off will surely rise up . What is your opinion regarding same . I know without checking answer key I am assuming it that cut off will rise , But whosoever have appeared in the paper they well know about it.
Aman Juyal posted in Others Feb 6, 2019

All the Best Guys !


 Examination Date & Day                         Time              Paper(s)
03 February 2018 (Saturday) 09:00 – 12:00 hrs (IST) (Forenoon Session) ME, EY, PE, XE, XL
03 February 2018 (Saturday) 14:00 – 17:00 hrs (IST) (Afternoon Session) ME, AE, MA, PI
04 February 2018 (Sunday) 09:00 – 12:00 hrs (IST) (Forenoon Session) CS, MN
04 February 2018 (Sunday) 14:00 – 17:00 hrs (IST) (Afternoon Session) AG, AR, BT, CH, CY, GG, IN, MT, PH, TF
10 February 2018 (Saturday) 09:00 – 12:00 hrs (IST) (Forenoon Session) EC
10 February 2018 (Saturday) 14:00 – 17:00 hrs (IST) (Afternoon Session) EE
11 February 2018 (Sunday) 09:00 – 12:00 hrs (IST) (Forenoon Session) CE
11 February 2018 (Sunday) 14:00 – 17:00 hrs (IST) (Afternoon Session) CE
Anup patel posted in Others Dec 8, 2017