in Graph Theory retagged by
65 votes
65 votes

The $2^n$  vertices of a graph $G$ corresponds to all subsets of a set of size $n$, for $n \geq 6$.  Two vertices of $G$ are adjacent if and only if the corresponding sets intersect in exactly two elements.
The number of vertices of degree zero in $G$ is:

  1. $1$
  2. $n$
  3. $n + 1$
  4. $2^n$
in Graph Theory retagged by


Exam hack:

Given condition : Two vertices of GG are adjacent if and only if the corresponding sets intersect in exactly two elements.

Take an example A = {1,2,3,4,5,6}. Total subsets possible = 2^6 = 64.

Now we have degree 0 means nodes can be <=1 as with 1 node also no intersection possible.

  • 0 node : only 1 subset possible {} ==>1
  • 1 node : only 1 subset possible {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}. ==>n.          Hence , ans is 0 node + 1 node = n+1 option (C)
thanks bro

Read this explanation before looking at the answer

Each vertex of a graph is mapped to each subset of a set whose size is at least 6. (We can consider the vertices to be subsets) There is an edge between two vertices (or subsets ) only if the intersection of the two subsets results in 2 elements. eg {1,2} int {1,2,3}={1,2}, => there will be an edge. {1} int {1,2}={1}=>no edge.


$\color{red}{\text{Detailed Video Solution,}}$ with Complete Analysis: 

The above video solution covers complete analysis of the following 3 GATE questions: 


4 Answers

62 votes
62 votes
Best answer

Ans is (C).

no. of vertices with degree zero $=$ no. of subsets with size $\left(\leq 1\right)  = n+1$.

as edges are there for every vertex with two or more elements as we have a vertex for all subsets of $n$.

edited by


@arpit.bagri Each vertex of a graph is mapped to each subset of a set whose size is at least 6. There is an edge between two vertices (subsets) only if the intersection of the two subsets results in 2 elements. eg {1,2} int {1,2,3}={1,2}, => there will be an edge. {1} int {1,2}={1}=>no edge.

Nice explanation.
Where it is mentioned in question that there will be an edge between the vertices where the intersection result in two elements ? In question it is said the two vertices will be adjacent, does that mean there will be an edge between them ?
63 votes
63 votes
let n=6 which are {a,b,c,d,e,f}
2^n=2^6=64 vertices in graph G which all are subset of size 6 : {a,b,c,d,e,f}

Two vertices of G are adjacent if and only if they have exactly 2 elements
so vertex with size 1 : {a},{b},{c},{d},{e},{f}
and vertex with size 0 : { }
cant be adjacent to any vertex
HEnce, number of vertices of degree zero in G is: 6+1=7
in General , n+1

Ans is C


@Gate Ranker18

corresponding sets intersect in exactly two elements. 

What does "intersect" means here.

You only mention "they have exactly 2 elements" here.

It means if two sets has two common elements then only vertices which are representing these sets will be connected else they won't be connected.
ooopppp….nice explanation as compared to other answers
13 votes
13 votes
There is one-one correspondence here.

Given that each vertex in a graph G corresponds to subset of a set S (let) with n elements.
We know there are 2^n subsets, for the set S with size n. right.
So is the graph, ie it contains 2^n vertices.(Obvious)

We also know out of all subsets of set S, there are 'n' subsets with only one elements, right. ------ (note - 1)
And a subset with empty set.(phi) ----- (note - 2)

So they both cannot be adjacent to any other vertex, right.
So their degrees are zero  which means they are isolated vertices.

So there are n + 1 isolated vertices in the Graph with given condition (from note-1 and note-2) , right!
Hence n+1 vertices with degree 0

@arjun sir , is it a correct approach ?

1 comment

Please tell me what is the meaning of "all subsets of a set of size n"?

I am taking it as, there are 2^n vertices and they are divided into subsets of size n each.
1 vote
1 vote
N = 6

Let's assume set be {a,b,c,d,e,f}

then vertex can be {a,b,c,d} and other set containing 4 elements

all the set containing 3 elements and so on.

there will be vertex containing ϕ, therefore, a degree of a vertex is 0

also, there are 'n' vertices that will contain only one element which does not have any adjacent vertex i.e. degree will be 0

therefore Number of Vertices of degree zero = n + 1


what is meaning of this line "Two vertices of G are adjacent if and only if the corresponding sets intersect in exactly two elements".
First you need to understand that we have a set S which contains n elements .

Second point is that the Graph G contains 2^n vertices . Now lets understand from where this number comes.

See we have to make all possible subsets of the given set S. There are in total 2^n subsets possible as to make a subset we can either choose an element or not choose that element.

Now v1 and v2 of graph will have an edge between them if subset 1 and subset 2 will have exactly 2 elements in common .

In general we can say that there is an edge between vi and vj if subset i and subset j have exactly two elements in common.

Hope this will help you

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