in Graph Theory edited by
57 votes
57 votes

If $G$ is the forest with $n$ vertices and $k$ connected components, how many edges does $G$ have?

  1. $\left\lfloor\frac {n}{k}\right\rfloor$
  2. $\left\lceil \frac{n}{k} \right\rceil$
  3. $n-k$
  4. $n-k+1$
in Graph Theory edited by


n vertices in the tree$\Rightarrow$ n-1 edges

to make it forest with $k$ connected components we have to delete $k-1$ edges from the tree.

so total $(n-1)-(k-1)\Rightarrow (n-k)$ edges

Also, If we have $k$ components, assuming $x_{i}$ vertices are present in each component we have $x_{i}-1$ edges in each component. Then $|edges|= \sum_{i=1}^{k} x_i-1 = n-k$  $(\sum_{i=1}^{k} x_i = n$ and $\sum_{i=1}^{k}1 = k)$ 

forest means group of trees...;)
Since no of edges is asked, can we think of it this way, the n vertices are divided into k components and each component has $\frac{n}{k}$ verices and as each one is a tree, each has $\frac{n}{k} -1$ edges, so if we add all the edges from all the components $k(\frac{n}{k}-1) = n-k$ edges...

The best answer is a bit misleading. 

First let's see the definitions. 


Tree: acyclic, connected and undirected graph.

Forest: collection of 1 or more trees .

Rooted tree: it's a special type of directed acyclic graphs. It has a root node from which there exist unique path to every other vertex. 

The authors says that every tree has a root node which is not a correct statement. 

Concepts like height, root node, depth, children, parents, ancestors etc are for Rooted tree and not tree. A tree is simply a connected , acyclic undirected graph. 

The comment under the best answer by @Vicky rix is a good answer for this question. 


here is a slight variation of the same question :

calculate no of distinct forests possible with n vertices and k components 

can be solved with star-bar problem:

consider every component as a box 

first fill every box with minimum 1 vertex –> so k components with 1 vertex each

remaining n-k vertices can be distributed in k components in $\binom{n-k+k-1}{n-k} = \binom{n-1}{n-k}$ ways.

So, $\binom{n-1}{n-k}$ forests possible with n vertices and k components.


11 Answers

67 votes
67 votes
Best answer

A forest is a collection of trees. here we are given a forest with $n$ vertices and $k$ components. a component is itself a tree.

Since there are $k$ components means that every component has a root (every tree has one), therefore we have $k$ roots.

Introduction of each new vertex to the forest introduces a single edge to a forest. so for remaining $n-k$ vertices when introduced, to make up to $n$ vertices, contributes to $n-k$ edges.

Hence, ans $=$ option (C) $= (n-k)$

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Have a doubt..How is it k "connected " components."Connected " implies it is not a forest itself as a forest has disjoint collection of trees.Please anybody explain.

yes, answer by is the best one !:)


very well explained @Vicky rix

34 votes
34 votes

Another way:

If $1$ edge is removed $2$ components.

If $2$ edges removed $3$ components.




If $k-1$ edges removed $k$ components.

A tree has $n-1$ edges. So, to make that tree into forest with $k$ components we would remove $k-1$ edges.

Therefore, Total edges in forest (Edges remained) = $n-1-(k-1)=n-k$

28 votes
28 votes

A forest is an acyclic graph(with no cycle) , i.e all these components are a tree. With k components there are k roots.

And whenever a new node is added to a tree only a singe edge is introduced.
With k roots , remaining nodes are (n-k) each of which introduces an edge.

Hence, there are $\left(n-k\right)\times 1=\left(n-k\right)$ edges.

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