in Combinatory edited by
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Prove Theorem $6:$Suppose that $\{a_{n}\}$ satisfies the liner nonhomogeneous recurrence relation $$a_{n} = c_{1}a_{n-1} + c_{2}a_{n-2} + \dots + c_{k}a_{n-k} + F(n),$$ where $c_{1}.c_{2},\dots,c_{k}$ are real numbers , and

$$F(n) = (b_{t}n^{t} + b_{t-1}n^{t-1}) + \dots + b_{1}n + b_{0})s^{n},$$ where $b_{0},b_{1},\dots,b_{t}$ and $s$ are real numbers. When $s$ is is not a root of the characteristic equation of the associated linear homogeneous recurrence relation, there is a particular solution of the form $$(p_{t}n^{t} + p_{t-1}n^{t-1} + \dots + p_{1}n + p_{0})s^{n}.$$

When $s$ is a root of this characteristic equation and its multiplicity is $m,$ there is a particular solution of the form $$n^{m}(p_{t}n^{t} + p_{t-1}n^{t-1} + \dots + p_{1}n + p_{0})s^{n}.$$
in Combinatory edited by

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