Gate score:690 (GATE CSE), Marks:62.67
Date: 19 May 2023 Major in Mechanical and Minor in CSE

  • 149 students were shortlisted for about 11-15 seats after a JEE Mains level exam (round 1), there was no coding, the exam went pretty bad for almost everyone 
  • There were two professors who asked me questions (P1,P2)

P1: Introduce yourself

M: Hi sir, I am … from … did my btech major in mechanical engineering and I realized I am more oriented towards CS, so I took CS gate and since AI is blooming I have applied to AI and what place could be better than IIT Bombay to pursue the discipline.


P1: ok, tell me what do you understand about rank of a rectangular matrix, I am not asking about calculation of rank

M: It is the no of linearly ind rows and cols in the matrix

P1: Same asked about area

M: It is area for 2*2

P1: why do area/det become negative then.

M: Oh! sorry it’s the scale of the area, not area, and negative means squishing

P1: Ok, if squished why not less than one, like 0.7, why negative?

M: I don’t know this

P1: You’ll learn, it has to do with the vectors, their orientation. 

P1: what do you understand about prob density fxn of a random variable ‘X’

M: the probabilities of a experiment is plotted as pdf, a continous one if X is continous, and discrete otherwise.

P1: is it discrete?

M: No sir, for density it’s continous, and mass it’s discrete

P1: ok say about cdf.

M: I explained how cdf is cumulating the area under the pdf divided by the entire pdf

P1: what is it’s mathematical equation?

M: I was a little lost, don’t know why, I literally explained the same thing, but could not formulate at the heat of the movement.

P1: It’s integral of the pdf

P1: tell me the worst case time complexity of Quick sort

M: It happens when the pivot always comes and settles at the front or the end, and makes a recursive function of 1 and n-1, the TC is O(n2) 

Then he asked about avg tc and I said best is same as average which is rare and only happens here at QS, it is O(n.logn)

P2 starts asking

P2: Do you have any idea on ML

M: yes sir I have taken a course from openAI on supervised ML (

P2: what is unsupervised ML and supervised ML

M: I explained what I knew and with examples, but he was not happy, I said it like “in supervised we have an answer and in unsupervised we do not, wrt. the training set)

P2: What are labels

M: I don’t know (labels are actually the thing I was calling as answers, I said examples, like in supervised we have like cost estimation of a house and cancer detection which have a proper answer, but in unsupervised we don’t, like customised youtube adds, google adds, google news preference” This certainty of answers is the label we have in supervised and do not have in unsupervised)

So the interview concluded, and I was asked to leave


Some resources: (I am making a list, as I have wasted a huge amount of time collecting resources)

  1. A must see blog
  2. Probability MIT || Also prefer solving Maths NCERT probability problems
  3. Linear Algebra-1 (Gill Strang)
  4. Linear Algebra best intuition (3B1B)
  5. Coursera ML (if you’re loving it, continue with second course also)
  6. All interview experience list
  7. Calculus (3B1B) || Good for intuation but you need to do more of calculus




posted in Interview Experience May 19, 2023 edited Jun 4, 2023 by



Did you get selected and what are you doing currently?
Even tough CMinds exam went pretty good, I got rejected.
I got IIT Kanpur, MS in cybersecurity and IIT Delhi robotics, I choosed IITK