• Gate Score Cut-off was around 625-630 (that' what I have heard)
  • MTECH CSE Intake: 40 Vacancies
  • Around ~400 students were shortlisted for the process, out of which only 170-180 students attended.
  • The process was meant for two days, but they finished it on the first day itself (Interviews were taken till 2200).
  • Reporting Time: 0830, Everyone was seated in Auditoriums and Dean of Academics presented their college. At around 0900 tea-coffee-biscuits were offered, and around 0930 Written Test commenced.


  • Written Test, 60 Mins, 30 Ques. Marking Scheme: +2, -1
    I found Written Test to be quite challenging, Approximately 1/3rd questions were from Discrete Mathematics. I attempted 23 questions, out of which I think at most 15 would've been correct.
  • Programming Test: 60 Mins, 5 Questions.
    Platform: Hackerrank
    This part of the test was very easy. 5 Questions in 60 Minutes, might seem very challenging at first, but 2-3 questions consumed just 15-20mins in total. I did 4 questions completely and passed 7/14 TestCases for the last one.

    All this process got over by 1230 and the shortlisted candidates for Interviews were to be announced at 1400-1430, with Interviews starting from 1445


  • Students were shortlisted marked on the combined performance of Written/Programming Test, and I don't think GATE Score played any role in shortlisting procedure.
  • 75 Students were selected for Interviews, divided into 3 Interview Panels. Each panel had 3 professors.
  • Interview Experience ( There were 3 Professors, I'll address all three as P)

    (Resume wasn't needed for Interview, so they didn't knew much about background of work that I've been doing)

    P: Tell us about Yourself.
    Me: Did.
    P: How many questions did you do in Programming Test?
    Me: I did 4.5
    They seemed quite impressed by it (all three panelists started looking at each other)

    P: What are your favorite subjects?
    Me: DS, Algo, CN.
    P: So should we start with DS?
    Me: Yes.
    P: Ok, can you tell us, what is a Hamiltonian path?
    Me: (I was shocked at first, that they targeted the theoretical part of Data-Structures, I was a bit fumbled)
           I  don't know the exact definition, but I know it's like         Spanning Tree.
    P: No no, they both are entirely different.
    After fumbling a bit,
    P: If you don't know it, you can tell us, we can move on to other question.
    Me: Yes

    P: Suppose you're given a polynomial expression, what data-structure would you use for storing it?
    Me: (Me moving over to whiteboard) I'd definitely not use an array. I'd go with I'
    P: (Interrupts me) I don't know vectors.
    Me: (This got me nervous) Ok, I'd switch to using a Hashmap, as I
    P: (Interrupts again) I don't know hashmap either
    Me: (They were looking for specific answers only), I'd use a linked list.
    P: Yes, that's what I know.

    P: Now suppose there' another polynomial expression, and you have to add both, how would you do it?
    Me: I'd keep Linked List in sorted order for this and explained further on the whiteboard. (they seemed ok with my solution)
    Me: But this structure would face issues if I'd have to lots of issues in insertions, and if possible, I'd have used Hashmap (No reaction from their side)

    P: I see that you've selected Machine Learning as your field of study.
    Me: Yes, during filling my form, this was the most viable option that I understood, the other two fields I wasn't much sure about.
    P: What do you know about clustering?
    Me: (Shocked at first, as I wasn't ready for ML questions, but since I knew about clustering, I took a go at it), clustering, how it's an unsupervised form of learning
    P: Ok, so you know. Suppose that you have a straight line and two cluster centers, C1 and C2, how would you minimize it. (These were the exact words, I didn't understood the question at all)
    Me: Sir, I don't undertsand what you're trying to ask.
    P: He repeated the same line again.
    Me: (I drew a slanted x = y line on board)
    P: No no, a straight line
    Me: Like an X-Axis
    P: Yes
    Me: (Drew x-axis, and two cluster centers)
    P: Yes, now minimise it.
    Me: By minimise, do you mean optimizing it?
    P: Yes, yes that's optimising (as if he was trying to say this word all along)
    Me: Sir, I don't know much about this.
    P: You'd take Difference between points
    Me: Yes, I'd take dataset points and take difference between points and centers, and take a square again, to keep values positive, ahhh
    P: But how do you know that you've minimised the cluster centers? How do you verify it?
    Me: I don't know, Sir.

    That's it. I don't have any chance in it. But learnt a thing or two about IIT Interviews, and shared it.

posted in Interview Experience May 16, 2018




My experience was very much similar to you. In the Programming Test I also did 4 questions completely and passed 7/14 TestCases for the last one and not sure about the number of questions I did in the Written Test. I was the last one to be interviewed at 2200 hrs and hence was asked only 2 questions since the faculty members were all exhausted by then. So I am not sure whether it worked in my favor or against it.

For last question i did it using an array..

Heres the problem

Its actually does not have a straightforward solution. I did this question long ago, but couldn't recall the solution in the test :P The previous 4 questions, I completed in 15 mins. I guess, hackerrank's practise got me lucky(getting used to the interface atleast).

Heres the approach for polynomial: With practice I think it comes easy.



in the coding test will they prefer any programming language or our choice?
Coding Test is conducted on Hackerrank, so I guess every major programming language is allowed.
Are majority of questions based on array manipulations or questions using other data structures and algos are also present in the coding round??
This is my experience for 2020 Early admit for CSE MTech at IIT Gandhinagar,

I was shortlisted, as I'm in the top 5 in my branch. We were called to give a written test and interview at IIT Gandhinagar campus itself, I started my preparation after the release of shortlisting. They asked us to report at 8:30 am, up to 9:30 there was an introduction to talk about the campus, etc. 22/23 students were shortlisted, but only 12 students attended for the exam.

The exam started at 9:40 am, we were given a question paper which was all MCQs. There are a total of 30 questions, each question carries 2 marks and -1 for a wrong one and we were asked to attempt only 25 questions. The duration was 1 hour.

Most of the questions are from Discrete mathematics and Graphs, a few from Probability, OS, DBMS, DS, and Algorithms.

Only 6 students selected for Interview round( 5 MTech + 1 Ph.D), unfortunately, I'm not among them.

I hope this may help someone. All the best.
what was the level of difficulty of the questions in both written test and programming test?

Were the written test questions from Gate pyq or similar to it?