Recent questions tagged peterson-davie

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1 answer
What kind of problems can arise when two hosts on the same Ethernet share the same hardware address? Describe what happens and why that behavior is a problem.
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1 answer
Suppose that we run the sliding window algorithm with $SWS = 5$ and $RWS = 3$, and no out-of-order arrivals.(c) State a general rule for the minimum MaxSeqNum in terms of...
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1 answer
Suppose that we run the sliding window algorithm with $SWS = 5$ and $RWS = 3$, and no out-of-order arrivals.(b) Give an example showing that MaxSeqNum -$1$ is not suffici...
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0 answers
Draw a timeline diagram for the sliding window algorithm with $SWS = RWS = 3$ frames, for the following two situations. Use a timeout interval of about $2 \times RTT$(b) ...
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0 answers
Draw a timeline diagram for the sliding window algorithm with $SWS = RWS = 3$ frames, for the following two situations. Use a timeout interval of about $2 \times RTT$.(a)...
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2 answers
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Consider an $ARQ$ algorithm running over a $40$-km point-to-point fiber link.(c) Why might it still be possible for the ARQ algorithm to time out and retransmit a frame, ...
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1 answer
Consider an $ARQ$ algorithm running over a $40$-km point-to-point fiber link.(b) Suggest a suitable timeout value for the ARQ algorithm to use.
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2 answers
Consider an $ARQ$ algorithm running over a $40$-km point-to-point fiber link.(a) Compute the one-way propagation delay for this link, assuming that the speed of light is ...