in DS edited by
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103 votes

A program takes as input a balanced binary search tree with $n$ leaf nodes and computes the value of a function $g(x)$ for each node $x$. If the cost of computing $g(x)$ is: $$\Large \min \left ( \substack{\text{number of leaf-nodes}\\\text{in left-subtree of $x$}}\;,\; \substack{\text{number of leaf-nodes}\\\text{in right-subtree of $x$}}\right )$$

Then the worst-case time complexity of the program is?

  1. $\Theta (n)$
  2. $\Theta (n \log n)$
  3. $\Theta(n^2)$
  4. $\Theta (n^2\log n)$
in DS edited by


poor basics in a subject often give headaches.

This question follows basic equation


N(h)>=N(h-1) + N(h-2)

N(h)>= 2N(h-2)

height is always log(n)

for each node u do this

for n leaf nodes, max time u will need it nlogn


“we first need to count no. of leaf in left sub-tree, then no. of leaf in right sub-tree + compare them to find minimum”

Here when we see the recurrence relation that you proposed, how are we sure that there will be exactly n/2 leaf nodes in both left sub-tree and right sub-tree? like there can be n/3 leaf nodes in left sub-tree and 2n/3 leaf nodes in right sub-tree.

I hope you got my doubt!

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this answer by User-Jiren is must read, @Sachin Mittal 1 sir gave some really nice insights there


11 Answers

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0 votes
n = Number Of Leaves in the tree

Height of Tree = log(No of Leaves) for a Balanced Tree = logn

=> Any node in second last lvl will have 1 leaf in left subtree , and there are (n/2) such nodes.
=>Any node in third last lvl will have 2 leaves in left subtree , and there are (n/4) such nodes.
=>Any node in fourth last lvl will have 4 leaves in left subtree , and there are (n/8) such nodes.
And so on.............. Again remember 'n' is the no of leaves.

So total time = 1*(n/2) + 2(n/4) + 4(n/8) + 8(n/16) +.......
                        =(n/2) + (n/2) + (n/2) + (n/2) + ........logn times. , bcoz no of lvls = log n
                        = (n/2) logn
0 votes
0 votes

It is BBST so the height of the tree is logn.

  • starting from the root it have n/2 and n/2 leaves.min of this is n/2.
  • from the next level, it has n/4 from the left side and n/4 from the right side so n/4 + n/4 = n/2 and so on till last level.
  • therefore n/2*Θ(long)=Θ(nlogn)
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A proper approach to a question is obtained by first analyzing the question properly. Let us do it first.

A program takes as input a balanced binary search tree with $n$ leaf nodes and computes the value of a function $g(x)$ for each node $x$. If the cost of computing $g(x)$ is:
$$\text{min(number of leaf-nodes in left-subtree of x,number of leaf-nodes in right-subtree of x)}$$

Then the worst case time complexity of the program is?

Here it is already given that the function $g(x)$ has cost which is equal to the minimum of the no. of leaves in its left subtree or right subtree. So there is no question of finding the no. of leaves in the left and right subtree of the nodes $x$ given as input to function $g$.

Possibly $g$ is a helper function in a program and as per implementation, the nodes in the balanced binary search tree are already pre-processed (probably) and $g$ probably uses that information and does what it has do to.

Now in the question it is asked to find the worst-case time complexity of the program. Now the program accepts balanced binary search trees. But the worst case behavior is exhibited when the input given to the program is a complete binary tree with $n$ leaf nodes as shown in the picture below:


In the picture above the last level has $n$ leaves.

In level $0$ we have $1$ nodes.

In level $1$ we have $2^1$ node.

In level $h$ we have $2^h$ nodes.

So $2^h=n \implies h=\lg n$

Each of the nodes at level $h-1$ has $1$ leaf node in the left as well as right subtree. So for each node cost is hence $1$.

Each of the nodes at level $h-2$ has $2$ leaf node in the left as well as right subtree. So for each node cost is hence $2$.

Generalizing, Each of the nodes at level $h-i$ has $2^{i-1}$ leaf node in the left as well as right subtree. So for each node cost is hence $2^{i-1}$.

Now each level $l$ has $2^l$ nodes. Also $l=h-(h-l)$ so cost for each node at level $l$ is $2^{h-l-1}$ from the previous generalization. Hence we have total cost:

$$\text{Cost =} \sum_{l=0}^{h-1} 2^l \times 2^{h-l-1}=\sum_{l=0}^{h-1} 2^{h-1}=(h)(2^{h-1})=(\lg n )\frac{n}{2}=\Theta(n \lg n)$$

Answer : (B)


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