in Quantitative Aptitude retagged by
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7 votes

A construction company ready to finish a construction work in $180$ days, hired $80$ workers each working $8$ hours daily. After $90$ days, only $2/7$ of the work was completed. How many workers are to be increased to complete the work on time?

Note: If additionally acquired workers do agree to work for $10$ hours daily.

  1. $90$ workers
  2. $80$ workers
  3. $65$ workers
  4. $85$ workers
in Quantitative Aptitude retagged by

5 Answers

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Ans (B)

$ 90 \times 80 \times 8 = $ 57600

completed work– 57600 is 2/7 part of the work

one part of work is = 57600/2 =28800

remaining work is $ 28800 \times 5 $ = 144000 is 5/7 part of work

$ 90 \times 10 \times  x = 144000$

$ x = \frac{1440} {9}  = 160$

after $ 90 $ days $ 160 $ workers completed the work

$ 160 – 80 = 80$

So, need 80 more workers to complete the work

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