14 votes
3 answers
Hello y'all. How can I find log values in Gate exam? Do they provide any calculator or log tables?Also, is there any manual way to find log values.Example What will be th...
1 votes
1 answer
1 votes
1 answer
Hello folks, how to solve Log64/Log16 ( i.e. log 64 divided by log 16) what will be the value?Kindly explain with the properties you used while solving.Thanks!
4 votes
3 answers
Boolean Expression is (A+B).(B+C)Please give a detailed explanation.
0 votes
1 answer
Someone please tell me the truth table for 4 variables, say (A,B,C,D). What all 16 possible input combinations will be? Thank you in advance.
3 votes
2 answers
How do I solve this Boolean expression?$$(A+B) \cdot (B+C) \cdot (C+A)$$Kindly write the step wise explanation with properties used.