in Graph Theory edited by
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2 votes
Let G be a planar graph such that every face is bordered by exactly 3 edges.Which of the following can never be the value for χ(G) ? (where χ(G) is the chromatic number of G)

a)  2

b)  3

c)  4

d)  None of these

PS : (Explain: "every face is bordered by exactly 3 edges. ")
in Graph Theory edited by

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"every face is bordered by exactly 3 edges. "

There must be a cycle of length 3, so it cannot be 2 colourable.

2 Answers

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3 votes

I think answer should be (A) because K2 require 2 colors and is not bounded by three edges but Krequire 3 colors, and K4 require 4 colors to color them and both of them are planar graphs and are bounded by exactly 3 edges. Moreover, every face is bordered by exactly three edges means that every REGION formed within the graph must have exactly three edges surrounding them. Have a look at the graphs, every region within graph K3 and K4 are bounded by exactly three edges but K2 is not.

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as it mentions it's planar and every face is bounded by exactly three edges so the only possibility we have K3 which has chromatic number X(G) =3
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