in Combinatory edited by
65 votes
65 votes

Mala has the colouring book in which each English letter is drawn two times. She wants to paint each of these $52$ prints with one of $k$ colours, such that the colour pairs used to colour any two letters are different. Both prints of a letter can also be coloured with the same colour. What is the minimum value of $k$ that satisfies this requirement?

  1. $9$
  2. $8$
  3. $7$
  4. $6$
in Combinatory edited by


Answer is 7 because

with 7 colours we can paint 7C2 +7=28( here 7 is added coz " Both prints of a letter can also be coloured with the same colour" ) sheets (each containing two same letters).


Nice explanation...


9 Answers

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Using a graph analogy, this would be easier to understand. 

Suppose, we have three colours , possible color combination pairs we can have is $\binom{n}{2}+n$,

Self Loops represent when both prints can be colored by the same color.

Three colours Red,Blue,Green. here $n=3$

Number of possible pairwise colorings which can be done is $\binom{3}{2}+3=6$

Now to color 26 alphabets, sufficient number of colors required. is  $\min_{k} \binom{k}{2} \geq 26$. 

Solving it we get $k=7$.





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