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Consider the following transaction
 T1  T2  T3
   W(A) commit  
 W(A) commit    
     W(A) commit

Which of the following is TRUE regarding above transaction?
(1) Transaction is view serializable since it has a view-equivalent serial schedule < T1, T2 T3 >
(2) Transaction is view serializable since it has a view-equivalent serial schedule < T1, T3 T2 >
(3) Transaction is view serializable since it has a view-equivalent serial schedule < T3, T2 T1 >
(4) Transaction is not serializable

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Correct Answer: 1    Status: incorrect

in Databases edited by

1 Answer

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Two schedules S1 and S2 are said to be view-equivalent when the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. If the transaction $T_i$ in S1 reads an initial value for object X, so does the transaction $T_i$ in S2.
  2. If the transaction $T_i$ in S1 reads the value written by transaction $T_j$ in S1 for object X, so does the transaction $T_i$ in S2.
  3. If the transaction $T_i$ in S1 is the final transaction to write the value for an object X, so is the transaction $T_i$ in S2.

source: Wikipedia

$T_3$ performs the final write on the data item $A$, thus any view equivalent serial schedule must execute $T_3$ after other two transactions.

From the given options, only (1) propose a serial schedule which has $T_3$ after $T_1$ and $T_2$. Thus, option (1) is right answer.