in Verbal Aptitude edited by
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2 votes

In a world filled with uncertainty, he was glad to have many good friends. He had always assisted them in times of need and was confident that they would reciprocate. However, the events of the last week proved him wrong.

Which of the following inference(s) is/are logically valid and can be inferred from the above passage?

  1. His friends were always asking him to help them.
  2. He felt that when in need of help, his friends would let him down.
  3. He was sure that his friends would help him when in need.
  4. His friends did not help him last week.
  1. (i) and (ii)
  2. (iii) and (iv)
  3. (iii) only
  4. (iv) only
in Verbal Aptitude edited by

1 comment

B. he thought friend will help. bt in last week they did'nt that proved him wrong

2 Answers

3 votes
3 votes
Best answer

(iii) He was sure that his friends would help him when in need.

(iv) His friends did not help him last week.

Only these 2 statements can be inferred. Option B.

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"He was confident that they would reciprocate".. this is stated very clearly in the given paragraph. The fact that he was sure his friends would help him is not subject to any inference from our side. So if the question was simply "what can be inferred from teh above paragraph?", would the answer be only iv in that case or will it be both iii and iv then too? Please help. Thank you.
edited by

I also have the same doubt as @sonalsrivastava.
The answer to this question says that statement(s) already written in the paragraph cannot be inferred from the paragraph, whereas, it is not the case here. So, can someone explain how to solve questions like these?
Thanks in advance.

Same doubt. Did you guys get this resolved?
Today, 2 years later when I read this question, it is clear to me that iii and iv both are the inferences. An inference is not something that is to be unearthed from prose, it can be both direct and indirect.
0 votes
0 votes
B  is correct

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