in GATE edited by
2 votes
2 votes

Which of the following will definitely result in datagram fragmentation ?

  1.    Transmitting over a circuit-switched network
  2.    Transmitting datagrams with more than $4$ $bytes$ in the $IP$ header
  3.    Transmitting over a packet-switched network
  4.    Transmitting datagrams longer than the physical layer’s maximum transmission unit
in GATE edited by


sir why option B and D is wrong

ip header is 20 to 60 byte which is always greater than 4 byte

IP layer  used packet swirching

@vaishali , you want to say why B and C is wrong ?

Among these 4 options option A is  False definitely . 

Among options B, C and D .

Option B is false because  we are not discussing in this question about IP header size . 

This question is about  datagram fragmentation .

Option C is false because this question is about which option is true Definitely in  datagram fragmentation .

Even though we use packet-switched network but it is not our main concern , how we send packets , our main Goal is how what happen when datagram fragmentation is done .

Option D match with our Goal .


1 Answer

5 votes
5 votes
Best answer
Each network can have a different maximum transmission unit  or MTU .

If a datagram is found to be larger than the allowable byte size for network packets, the IP breaks up the datagram into fragments and sends each fragment as an IP packet.

When fragmentation does occur, the IP duplicates the source address and destination address into each IP packet, so that the resulting IP packets can be delivered independently of each other.
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