in Verbal Aptitude recategorized by
15 votes
15 votes

"The hold of the nationalist imagination on our colonial past is such that anything inadequately or improperly nationalist is just not history."

Which of the following statements best reflects the author's opinion?

  1. Nationalists are highly imaginative.
  2. History is viewed through the filter of nationalism.
  3. Our colonial past never happened.
  4. Nationalism has to be both adequately and properly imagined.
in Verbal Aptitude recategorized by

3 Answers

14 votes
14 votes
Best answer
It says that we try to overlook facts of history which is not in favour of our nationalism interest.

So, B. history is viewed through nationalism.
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5 votes
5 votes
The author is trying to say that everything related to colonial past has a hold of nationalism in people’s imagination. It is not necessary that anything which is represented inadequately is the history. History and nationalism has a strong connection, but sometimes history is viewed with nationalism in mind. This is the author’s opinion.

Reference: geeksforgeeks
0 votes
0 votes

It says that through the eyes of the nationalists, anything that isn’t nationalistic never happened in our colonial past. Hence option B is the correct answer


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