in Mathematical Logic
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Translate these statements into English, where R(x) is “x
is a rabbit” and H(x) is “x hops” and the domain consists
of all animals.
a) ∀x(R(x) → H(x))

b) ∀x(R(x) ∧ H(x))
c) ∃x(R(x) → H(x))

d) ∃x(R(x) ∧ H(x))
in Mathematical Logic

1 Answer

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A) among the set of all animals,if an animal is a rabbit,then it hops
B) all animals are rabits and they hop
C) there exist atleast one animal and if it is rabbit,then it hops
D) there exist atleast one animal which is a rabbit and it hops

difference between A) and B) ,in A) If no animals are rabits,then it is still TRUE but B) will give FALSE
difference between C) and D) ,in C) if no animal is a rabbit,then it is still TRUE which is not allowed in D) that is it will give FALSE

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