in Mathematical Logic edited by
2 votes
2 votes

Which of the above is a lattice :

  1. b and c
  2. a and d
  3. b and d
  4. a only
in Mathematical Logic edited by


why option D is not lattice????

where i m wrong, i m getting unique GLB and LUB for each pair.....



please read below answer.

in option D, for figure A  2 and 3 don't have LUB .


2 Answers

3 votes
3 votes
Best answer

Lattice : A partially ordered set in which every pair of elements has both a least upper bound and a greatest lower bound is called as lattice.

Upper Bound: An element which is greater than or equal to all the element in a subset is called upper bound of that subset.
Lower Bound: An element which is less than or equal to all the element in a subset is called lower bound of that subset.

Least Upper Bound : An element x is called the least upper bound of a pair (a,b) If x is an upper bound that is less than every other upper bound of (a, b).
Greatest Lower Bound : An element x is called the greatest lower bound of a pair (a, b). If x is a lower bound that is greater than every lower bound of (a,b).


In A, element 2 and 3 doesn't have least upper bound. Upper bound of 2 and 3 are 4, 5 and 6 But none of them is least upper bound. 6 is greater than 4 and 5. But 4 and 5 are not comparable. So we don't know which is less.

Similarly in D, 2 and 3 doesn't have Least upper bound. Upper bound of 2 and 3 are 7, 6 and 8.
 4 and 5 are not upper bound of 2 and 3. Because 2 and 5 are not comparable we don't know which is greater. Similarly between 3 and 4 we don't know which one is greater. Among 6, 7 and 8, 8 is greater than 6 and 7. But 6 and 7 are not comparable. So again we don't have least upper bound.

For B and C, we have greatest lower bound and least upper bound for every pair of element so they are lattices.

More ever Least upper bound and greatest lower bound for a subset is unique if exist.

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0 votes
0 votes
In both a and d, the lower pair of incomparable elements have no LUB.

(A cross in a supposed lattice almost always causes an issue)

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